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About pike25lb

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Hi iv got a old stuffed fox it has the taxidermist card with it the taxidermist isn't there no more Any way a put it on eBay but they pulled it of saying I need a form how would I get one if it didn't have one thanks,,
  2. D d you get sum noddy I went for sum today they sold out feckers lol what hunting shop do you use ...
  3. Gun cabinet wanted must fit rifles with scope on and be fac approved local to co durham no crazed prices pm me what ya got prefer 3 gun cabinet or more thanks,,
  4. Al get one aswell se if the greedy fecker do discount on 2 of them lol am guna av a ride up Saturday morning se what the crack is
  5. Bradford and stalker sell em brand new £130 get mounts ,sun shades ,and flip up covers 6-12x by either 40 or 44 brand new
  6. Go on ebay put them numbers in the search the pics on there
  7. On ebay for bidding been offerd 300 I think that is a good offer for it really ,,,
  8. Ebay itm number if I get a good offer on either I will sell cash co durham 261689363523. Ebay number porta mag 261689464958. Treadmill number
  9. Wy can I not start a topic in the lurchers for sale section
  10. Pritty much best offer or a could bang it on ebay
  11. Durham so maybe a bit far it has instruction book just want the most for it to fund fac ,but not sure if I would sell yet ,,,
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