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Everything posted by g7mount

  1. g7mount

    x factor

    tell him to milk it get as much attention as he can strike while the irons hot
  2. glad i did'nt buy pup now and is it me or is his english getting better by the minute
  3. both dogs now in kennell together chuffed to bits with dogs get some pics up in couple of weeks when i take them lamping
  4. what sort of size are dogs have they been started and what area you in mate cheers
  5. where you at mate could you put some pics of parents up too sounds a nice pup
  6. cracking looking dog mate if you were closer would defo have
  7. was the bitch bred to keep one or two back or just for sole purpose of profit
  8. what size are bitch and dog and how much you want for them in the area
  9. what size is she and where in wales are you
  10. have you any pictures what size are parents and where in s wales are you
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