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Everything posted by T.CROPPER

  1. Here's a few new pic's for you good folk to have a look at! If anyone is interested in any artwork just let me know! Cheer's Trevor
  2. Hey folks just finished this ink painting , let me know your thoughts Trevor
  3. Head study just finished!!Trev
  4. Just finished this painting if anyones interested let me know cheers Trev
  5. Just finished this for Jane let me know what you think!!!!!! Trev
  6. This is a picture just finished for a breeder in the UK!! Trev
  7. Here's a Shamo stag Ive just finished for a guy!! Trev
  8. Thank you friends I really do like to hear people's view's on my work!!! Trev
  9. Hey folks here's my latest painting its not the best photo its taken on a phone but I hope it gives you good people an idea of this piece and I look forward to hearing you thoughts!!! thanks Trev
  10. Thanks my friends and if anyone is interested in any prints of my work let me know!!!cheers Trev
  11. Hey there gwill09 thanks mate and glad you like my work fella!!! Trev
  12. Hey folks here's a piece ive just finished for a guy!, well I hope you good people like it!!! Trev
  13. Hey there craigyboy and thanks glad you like it this is done with ink and gold and silver leaf!! As for birds I have kept and bred all times of birds for near forty year's from poulty to finch's and so on, at the mo im just in the middle of moving so ive had to move my birds in with friends all over the place!!!!!! talk to you soon Trev
  14. Hey folks here's some of my artwork for you good people to checkout!If anyone is interested in having anything done of there birds pllease let me know!!!! If anyone is on any Cage and Aviary Forum's could you pass on the details Thanks Trev
  15. Hey there kirk thanks mate im glad you like my work, I really like the photo you use as your header of your dog jumping the fence and if its possible could you email me a copy of it on as high rezzz as you can as I think that would make one hell of an ink drawing!!!! cheers Trev Thanks jjm lots more to come buddy!!! Trev
  16. Thanks to you Lindi and Mad al keep your eye's peeled there's more to see over the next week !! Trev
  17. no thats right i know but hopefully they,ll be someone who knows someone. ive only become a member back end of last year so this is my first only asian hard feather show but met some decent lads so far pluss im meeting a right good helpfull guy there called wombat Hey Lyndon just checking if you got my message mate??? Trevor
  18. Hey G.W.H! Well bud if you watch this space there's some coming soon, if you check out my website there's alsorts on there which would give you a good idea of the work I do!! Cheer's Trevor
  19. hey Mol' thanks hun I will do talk to you soon I hope!! Trev very good have you got any of shamos etc Hey there mate I do alot of shamo and all game breeds if you check out my website you will find plenty in the gallery cheer's Trev
  20. hey Mol' thanks hun I will do talk to you soon I hope!! Trev
  21. Just thought I would post this for you good people to check out my work please let me know what you think cheer's Trev
  22. Hey folks here's a little of my artwork for you good people to check out, this was done as an ink sketch for a guys young bird done in a day so it is only a sketch but I hope it gives an idea of my style cheers Trev tcoriginalartwork.webs.com
  23. Hey folks please haave a look at my artwork and let me know what you think if anyone fancy's anything done let me know cheer's Trev
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