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.terrier man.

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Everything posted by .terrier man.

  1. Do you not consider what these Asian men are doing as being racist? They're specifically targeting White British girls to rape, molest and pimp out! and there is thousands of cases all over the country identical to this one! If I was to walk around picking fights with only Asian men, you'd call me a racist, so what's the difference here? Why even try and play it down and pretend that it's not as bad as it is? The fact is White children are being targeted by Muslim men, and that can not be questioned. SPOT ON MATE. MAKES ME SICK, AND HOW CAN ANYONE DEFEND THESE SCUM
  2. i no mate was doing it myself last season, just gota keep at it mate.
  3. you can say its best to check earths wheneva bla bla but its bolaks mate, just gota be lucky you find a earth thats holding, just keep checking em pal
  4. gonetoearth is a ratting man!!!! must have good ratting dogs then
  5. who was that guy who keeps blacks but doesnt digg to them, just rats with them every day lol, get him out pal see how good they are
  6. take your own drink and grub mate fookin price up there is a joke shows top notch though
  7. It's more like an accepted internet abbreviation than text talk... What's this thread on about again, something about someone's auntie? :lazy: f*****g eda
  8. just got him to do me this one but a black dog. tyde mate, how much for will tell you when the lads auction has finished just to be fair. no worries mate hopeing to get the one hees selling
  9. just got him to do me this one but a black dog. tyde mate, how much for
  10. just a laugh between me and gnash mate,no offence but you lot are just about as bad as us its just, we know what we are SHITE
  11. you only now relised ya shit all the british teams are wank at football
  12. just chuck him on the lead around other dogs mate
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