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Everything posted by dazlw

  1. the way i broke mine to my ferrets was to put them all in the garden together with the dog on a lead as soon as the dog got over interested a sharp tug on the lead and the command "leave it". didn't take long and the ferrets were climbing all over her and she didn't think twice about them. but always be on guard as a dog is a dog. good call off gun ship as well feeding them together bit of milk and bread but don't let the dog take control
  2. just noticed my bitch has a broken canine on her bottom jaw. doesn't seem to be in any pain or even bothering her. i know it can be a problem but just seems strange. no sign of infection neither. cheers dazlw
  3. alright fella what time you finish work on monday, as going to be travelling back down south from manchester . really like the look of the dogs.
  4. nice one wife's just asked me upstairs for knookey hold on a minute does this mean that's it for 40 days !! OOOHHH the devious bee hatch
  5. i tell thee what. they where good but not as good as my grans
  6. made mine with eggs from my chicks just started laying so making the most of it. only problem iv'e got a pint of batter left in the fridge and feeling fat as whores arse after a torie convention
  7. i know its's daft but it take me back and it's my sons first. So come on admit to it!!
  8. SOUNDS like a croc of shite the dog either works or it does`not .And if you are stupid enough to pay £xxxx on an untrained dog .You deserve everything you get. who's stupid, how trained can an 8 week old pup be. or have i touched a raw nerve "kerching kerching"
  9. sorry for the delay, just got back to the computer.some interesting points put forward. The thing i was thinking more about in the lines question is the 5/8 bull 3/4 grey and 13/12 saluki dog, when its just 2 lads who've slung any old dogs together and trying to make a quick dollar.
  10. Just been reading bobslurchers post on his new dog and his query as to whats in his dog (fine looking one aswell) and it got me thinking about the DNA kit you can now buy.just wondering if anyone has used one and if so where they surprised in what they found in there dog? Also the ,if i dare question it , the authenticity of breeders claims as to which lines are in there dogs?
  11. anyone know the going rate for dog transport? is it a flat rate or price per mile ? cheers
  12. hi all, just to get things straight. I'm looking for a dog pup, as Ive had a few Pm's about older dogs and bitches. i want to bring the dog on myself and also bring him up with my 9 month old son. so ideally I'm looking for a young pup. to all that have Pm'd me sorry for the confusion and all the best with the dogs. cheers again
  13. Hi looking for bull x grey / saluki x grey pup. living in the southwest but willing to travel a bit. so just wondering if anyone knows of such a litter in the pipeline or ready. cheers all
  14. Any pics of saluki whippet x bull grey ,quite interested to see what they can turn out like. Also what they are like at working rabbits on lamp. cheers all
  15. Me thinks he misread saluki as suzuki oh dear oh dear oh dear
  16. alright looking for a dog for lamping rabbits. looking for a smooth coat pup. i do like the look of abit of bull but is it pratical in a rabbit dog ,as in hard mouth and such.what
  17. Hi all, looking for someone to show me and my dog the ropes lamping. I've been out about six times now to no avail, runs the beam(sometimes ) but doesn't seem to strike. I've got a cluson cb2 with red filter and some permission, but I'm willing to travel no problems.Dogs about 4 years now worked with my ferrets before moving down here 3 years ago and is broken to sheep.Any help would be much appreciated thanks.
  18. im out in a bit . Fourth time out still drawing blank sheets. Hopefully tonights the night. probably my fault as much as hers, just can't seem to get close enough
  19. Nice one ,just wish i had the same dedication. I woke up at silly o'clock this morning, scratched my nuts and proceeded to toss and turn for 3 hours until the alarm went off.Roy castle would of been proud of you. ATB :clapping:
  20. I have two hobs and two gills free to a good home.I live in the bideford area of north devon and would have no problem meeting half way if reasonable. Gills have been worked and all have been hand reared so are finger friendly.reason for giving up is lack of time due to work and wife is expecting so even less time in the future. Gills are 2 years old and hobs 1 year old ,gills are sisters and hobs are brothers but not related between sexes. Thanks for looking
  21. thanks to you both. general consensus is 3-9magnification ,i'll look into it . thanks for your time
  22. Hi all.buying a w100kt in a couple of weeks and just wondering which scope is best for bunny bashing. cheers all.
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