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Everything posted by bobthefox

  1. Sorry lads, badly worded. Right. This f****r took off up the '77 heading to m&d's at the country park, motherwell. There was a whole load of 'em, carvaners if you know what i mean? Probably would hit Ayr about 11.30pm. Big, yellow and about 40 ton. Just wondering if any lamping boys eyeballed him, or if anyone seen the vehicle, or visited the park? Possibly parked up, with a hydralic jack hanging off? Police got the reg number, so do i. Best thing to do would be to head up with some of the, em, chaps but no wheels. Know it's a long shot....
  2. Know this is a long shot guys, but my landrover got totalled outside my house last night by one of these fairground artics. At the side of the A77. One of the yellow stabiliser hydraulic rams took out 2 signposts, my lanny backdoor through the windscreen and another car further down. AND DIDN'T STOP. En route to Strathclyde country park.
  3. I'm over in Ayrshire, could you get me the details please? Cheers
  4. Hi all, i've been snaring foxes since i was 13 and every snare i used had to be bought, Anyway, one of the local village idiot's handed me in a few snares to try and i got to thinking if he can make them surely i can! So my question is, where do i get the stuff for making 'em?
  5. Any night's good for charlie. We were out on sunday night, a few inches of snow, hard frost underneath and moon shining like a diamond. Still shot a charlie (though we spun the landy twice and slid to the bottom of a field!!) Go get 'em, always better than the rain!
  6. my wee bitch got her first last saturday night. Well impressed
  7. Hey all. Someone handed me in a box of eley kynloch paper cartridges, mixed number 5's and 6's and was just wondering if they were of any value?
  8. Well chuffed, mate. Far better than the x factor!
  9. Hey all. I gotta tell someone..... my wee fell bitch got her first rat tonight!!! And she's only 4 months old! She took a wee bite to the nose, but cleaned it up with a wipe and no damage done
  10. We use a car battery. Heavy as hell but never runs out!
  11. I take it you live in the west then. lol ! Quite tame for the west!!
  12. Hey guys, just wondering if it's me but, man we see some strange things when foxing! Cars on fire, drunk women walking dogs at midnight, shaggers, foxes up trees, poachers. What about you guys....?
  13. Just an update on yesterday's post.... got another 3 last night Woop Woop!
  14. Hey all. We're sitting on 43 so far in the south of Scotland. 20 of them in the last 2 months! Heading out tonight, so hopefully bag 1 or 2
  15. I'll swap you for a pair of used womens knickers and bra.... Fresh off next doors washing line
  16. Well, since i started this debate i'm sure we've all got pretty much the same viewpoint, so let's do something about it? I remember when, just weeks before the change in hunting with dogs law, i got an email from another hunting pal wanting me to sign an online petition. The emphysis being on "weeks". So, would any of you out there be willing to sign a petition when we have as much time as possible to gather as many names as possible? Shooters, Stalkers, Dog men, Anglers, the whole bloody lot of us? What you thinking lads?
  17. Canny agree more. The police's time would be better off catching bad guys
  18. Just off the phone to one of my old lamping mates, last night. He'd been talking to some of the big-wigs from SACS (Scottish Association of Country Sports). According to them, there's the distinct chance of a law being brought in to govern "night shooting". In no patricular order the highlights are 1, Written permission and firearm certs must be carried at all times when out, 2, Only foxes can be shot, 3, Police must be notified the time you begin and when you finish, 4, Police must be told of the vehicle, reg number and persons "night shooting", 5, Guns, calibres and serial numbe
  19. Thanks lads, i'll report back on the first kill!!
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