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Everything posted by livin-it-up-08

  1. yeah if looks cud kill id have a champion ..I hope hes good like, alsong as i keep putting time into him he shud be oryte
  2. cheers mat, yeah I will, we shud have a run out with ya older pups march time or sumit if ya want? ..i dunno when or if im down your way on tuesday
  3. my bitch jacked once at about 13 month old, she was running on flint and cut her foot, she ran for about 3 minutes in the sun and stopped and laid down and when i tried to get her back up her legs had gone, i though she was going to have a fit ..since then ive been out lots of times and had long courses for 4 minutes and killed them, she has kept going after losing the quarry in a hedge after a 2/3 minutes coursing and then still tried to get to it when its half way across the fen, they dont always keep jacking even if there is no chance of getting the quarry. depends on why they jacked in the
  4. some dog that init! cant half box them to stop them going where they want, the hares dont have time to pick up any speed they dont no where to run too lol
  5. my pup of 7 months old had also been vacinated and it died within 24 hours of noticing it was sick
  6. the same thing happend to me about 5 year ago with a salukixbullgreyhound, it was horrible, the vet said 'theres nothing we can do, your dog is dying, everything was failing, its kindneys its heart EVERYTHING!' i couldn't believe it, we took the pup '7months old' home and gave it a chance, i had it on my bed and it started fitting, by 5 the next morning it had died! i never got another dog for 2 year! ..mine was caused by stinking scruffy rats underneath nextdoors shed, he was leaving bits of food in the bowl sometimes and i just left it for him, the rats must of urnined on the food or summit
  7. its not unfit, okay cheers for your replys lads ..i think im gunna use keepers mix along with raw meat
  8. its not b12 its like an iron thing ..cheers for the link ..do you run a saluki cross or match?
  9. whats the keepers mix? where do ya buy this and how much is it? wat do ya feed that along with? is it better than red mills?
  10. okay cheers lads im thinking about giving it some of this greyhound stuff which increases the red blood cells and makes the dog recieve more oxygen to the muscles to make them run longer for better just wat a saluki needs when having long runs??
  11. I run a saluki greyhound out of wolfie and this winter it is gunna be getting some stick! ..Just wondering if there is anything i can get that will help it peform better .. I train a lot doing weights, running and mma and i kno without some supplements and good food it would not be possible to keep doing it twice a day with good peformance ..my theory is that giving my dog stuff will help it also?
  12. been looking at some greyhound websites and seen some stuff that increases the dogs performance and recovery, wondeing if anyone has used or does use this stuff? cheers
  13. that sound like the best idea cheers mate do the steri strips just come off them selves? and wont she just rip them off with her teeth? also lol how long do ya leave them on for?
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