I do not understand I know of 4 good working border digging dogs all 5yrs or over dogs that will stay till dug to ONE stud dog can line 100s of bitchs lads will have to travel to line their bitchs keep the BORDER TRUE
tell me breeder, do you dig to your borders week in week out, and how many digs would you say your borders
would have before they were tested enough to be bred from.
What the f"ck you on about jarhead????did I mention coat or feck all prick ..
dont try and deny it Donny you were having a pop, or would you like to explain what you ment by FFS.
prick... there you go, you cant get it out of your head, or should that be hand.
Come on leave it alone before you break it. :wankerzo4: as well as go blind.
Get some picks up when their a little older Poach,
cannae belive theres nae pics up yet
heres 1 tae get you started, prob seen it before, but here goes
very nice.
looks like beddy type coat that turns up in the old fell types hope she works out for you.
PBrooks and Donny to much :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: has damaged your eyes,
you need to stop it right now before you go blind