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Everything posted by bud

  1. I had this with a BSA Meteor. Firstly i glued the split. Before the glue dried I pre-drilled a couple of holes through the split, put a couple of screws in with the heads countersunk and filled the holes with sawdust and wood glue. It has been like this now for about 10 years, it doesn't really get used these days but did have heavy use after the repair was made. Its perhaps not the prettiest repair but if you plan to hide it with camo tape you'd never know. Hope this is of some help, good luck with it. Paul.
  2. BASC have feral cats on their Mammalian Pest Species list that can be controlled all year using legal methods. It wouldn't be the nicest days shooting i don't think but looks like you'd be alright legally. Probably best to give someone like BASC a call just to be sure?
  3. I'm not 100% sure, but i think it is legal to shoot feral cats provided you can prove they are feral? Though I'm sure someone will know for sure. ATB, Paul
  4. Have a go on both and pick the one you like best, either way you're a winner I have both an S410 and MK2 S200, both .177, and to be honest the S200 is the one that sees more use. ATB, Paul.
  5. Thats very kind of you Andy, Thank you.. PM Coming
  6. OK mate thanks I might get a few different tins of pellets of varying weights then. I have only tried bisley pest control and bisley superfields as these are what came with the gun so not sure if they are best suited for it or not. As soon as i have the Stealth working properly i will be starting on the HW77K, so might be giving you that phone call in the not too distant future Thanks.
  7. Thanks Andy I'll get some of them then i reckon. ATB, Paul.
  8. Thanks for correcting me i was going by this website http://extorian.co.uk/shooting/pellets.html Looks like Beeman Silver Arrows are heavier anyway? Although I'm not sure to trust that site now.
  9. Hi all, i am in the process of giving my Stealth a bit of a tune as it was running at a poor 7ft/lbs The top-hat was wobbly on the valve stem and had been glued on fairly crudely. So I made a new valve stem and top-hat on the lathe, fitted them, then checked the power using the chronograph. It is now running at 11.96 ft/lbs using Bisley Pest Control pellets. This is obviously too close to the limit so will need to adjust the power. I understand it is best to set the gun up with the heaviest pellets available? So my question is, what are the heaviest .20 pellets? The heaviest i h
  10. I don't think it would really matter, as long as it is hot enough to produce steam. The key is the wet towel/cloth as the steam causes the wood fibers to swell. The swollen fibers then need sanding before refinishing. This method can only be used on bare wood though i believe. Hope this helps, Paul.
  11. I have a Suzuki samurai 1.3, i am 26yrs old and insurance on this was a joke. I then phoned a company called Sureterm direct who gave me a specialist 4x4 limited 6000 miles per year policy for £280, the next cheapest quote was over £800. I'd recommend giving them a try as this is the second vehicle I've had insured with them and they are always well under half the price of the cheapest quote. An older defender may also work out cheaper than you think. Good luck in your search, Paul.
  12. Michael/Steve, or whoever you are, can you not see, no-one cares anymore. This could go on for a hundred pages and you will not have changed the minds of the good people of this forum, so give up, accept you/he has lost the trust of everyone here and stop posting this nonsense
  13. Sorry Baghdadnights, you must type faster than me
  14. ??? You say 'Matt ring ME on the number above' but.......i thought that was Steve's number?
  15. I bought one of the Tru-Oil kits for my S200. To be honest i wasn't overly impressed and found it hard work to achieve a satisfactory finish. Saying that, in the right hands, I'm sure its a brilliant kit and would produce good results, just seemed harder than it should to me. I ended up painting the stock with Plasti-Kote, which took a few coats but i am pleased with the results and think it has improved the look of the gun. Paul.
  16. It wont make a difference to you, as your ear is right next to the action. It's down range where the difference will be, this is where it matters.
  17. One thing I will say is there's deffo two of them, I've spoken to them both on the phone but I must admit that I also thought they were one and the same for a while I recently saw a thing on the telly where a guy met someone on the internet, then through this person met 15 others, only to find out they were all one person. Anything is possible and the internet attracts some funny people........
  18. I don't really see how anyone can answer this for you. Buy the one that best suits your quarry and land you are shooting on........
  19. I'd grab that HW77 too mate, i managed to pick up a 1984 in .22 with nikko stirling mountmaster for £175 and am glad i did. Buy it, you certainly won't regret it Its one of those guns that just seems to be right. ATB, Paul p.s. get some pics up when you get it
  20. I have a MK2 Air Arms S200 and have to say it's an incredible gun for the money. Like Andy has said it will always be more accurate than the shooter. It is a very light gun so you won't get tired walking with it. Mine has an Air Arms silencer which is very quiet, though there are quieter out there, but i have shot at a rabbit, missed, reloaded and shot it 2nd shot so have never needed it quieter. It is a very short gun too which is useful for hunting. It would be a whole new world compared to your break action BSA's and Crossmans All The Best, Paul.
  21. Is that an AYA Master? I have the same gun? If not then it looks really similar. Nice pics, Paul.
  22. If you're confident at putting pellet after pellet in the Kill Zone at that range, then your rifle should be more than capable of taking a bunny at 50 yards. Sounds like you've landed a sweet permission there ATB, Paul.
  23. Thanks for the reply I thought it was cheap looking around at others for sale. I know i cannot really compare the two but the stocks from Staffs Synthetic Stocks are around the £250 mark, so if i could get anywhere near that for the stock thats a cheap Superten.
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