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Everything posted by HUnter_zero

  1. Depends upon the twist rate of your barrel. In my 1in12 58gr V-max produce one hole groups at 100 yards, 70 grain produce just under and inch and in comparison 100 grain produce 1.3"+. John
  2. You are very limited with the .243" and would stay well clear especially if you have the chance of a great buck. If your only culling prickets then the .243" will do at a pinch, a tight pinch. The 6.5x55 is a sweet round and very capable on fallow. If your looking at cheap, then a .308 is as cheap as your going to get. The .308 is not a big recoil machine. I shoot 40 - rounds a month at the range. An outsider is also the .25-06 (very much under rated and missed by most hence very cheap second hand.). John
  3. Either will do the trick. Use which ever gives the best accuracy (twist rate dependant). John
  4. The small ones from lidl will not mince bone or skin, I knacker two with in weeks! The machines are good for small jobs, sausage stuffing and mincing meat 'off' the bone portions etc. I was lucky and found an industrial butchers mincer, big old machine and very heavy too. Now that makes short work of everything from rabbits skinned but on the bone to a whole deer carcass (obviously not on the bone). Northern tool sells hand mincers which are good but if you are to do a lot of meat processing then it's well worth looking at local auctions for a proper job, I only paid £25 for mine but had t
  5. And I secretly thought it was just me that did that...oh all the years of silence, a weight off my shoulders I can tell you!! John
  6. Then that would be V-max. To be honest if they guy hasn't a clue about what brand of bullet he is using, I for one would not follow by his example and use varmint bullets to shoot deer, especially V-max . John
  7. Just for the hell of it. You seem to have forgotten to add "ballistic tip and varmint" to your particular bullet selection, why is that? If legislation is something your not interested in following then there isn't a lot anyone can do to help you. The requirements for rifle ammunition are as follows : E&W The bullet must be soft-nosed or hollow-nosed. S: Roe not less than 50 grain / ME 1000ft/lb other deer 100 grains / ME 1750 ft/lb but both bullet designs must be expanding bullets designed to DEFORM (and not explode) in a predictable manner. NI: 100 grain / ME 1700 ft/lb and AGAIN must
  8. Your either dense or just not reading posts, it has nothing to do with bullet weight, for the VERY last time it has everything to do with bullet DESIGN. I've wasted more than enough time with you. John
  9. Would totally agree with you. You have selected a bullet which has specifically been designed for deer shooting. The bullets are manufactured for the purpose and as such as fit for the purpose, however as you also point out the use of polymer tipped bullets in E&W is very grey to say the least. I will be 100% honest I have considered using BT and even V-max due to not being able to reload a duel purpose load for both fox & deer but due to the legalities and the terminal ballistics I have refrained and doubt (I know) that I never will. I tested some 58 grain V-max at the local range
  10. That's not a deer, that's a horse!! Nice head, well done. John
  11. Then he will not be using Ballistics tips then. John
  12. To be honest I doubt I could change your illegal activities if I tried but and for the last time. You state, that the use of Ballistic tip ammunition for the shooting of deer is legal in England and Wales, the deer act clearly states Any bullet other than a soft-nosed or hollow-nosed bullets are prohibited for use against deer, BT's are neither soft or hollow nosed bullets. QUOTE : "SCHEDULE 2 Prohibited firearms and ammunition Firearms 1 Any smooth-bore gun. . 2 Any rifle having a calibre of less than .240 inches or a muzzle energy of less than 2,305 joules (1,700 foot pou
  13. Okay, I'm not exactly sure why I am replying but you seem like a jolly chap so I'll lend some advice. You would be correct in stating that the Deer act states " soft-nosed or hollow-nosed bullet." which would seem to match your logic but as stalkers or deer managers we not only have to comply to the provisions made under the Deer act but also several other acts. The act most suited to ammunition is the firearms act that make reference to the following "references to a missile’s expanding on impact include references to its deforming in any predictable manner on or immediately after impact"
  14. To be honest when so called stalkers state " their insides look like a bomb went off " I'd add no further comment and waste no more time on the matter . John
  15. I'm presuming that you don't stalk deer and as such are just waffling. Vermin type bullets or bullets marketed as such are sold on the bases that the bullet expanding capabilities are "explosive", for example the TNT. These bullets have a very light weight copper jacket and very soft lead core. Unlike that of a bullet designed for large game or deer. The use of such bullets is not just illegal as the bullets expand in a very unpredictable manner but also inhumane as the bullets can lead to a cratering wound. A wound that I have personally witnessed. A few years back a chap was shot in the ches
  16. 1) Happy you concur. 2) Happy you concur 3) That would be illegal 4) Happy you concur John
  17. Just a couple of additional points, 1) There are plenty of 'acts' that separate vermin from deer. i) ( Forestry act) the expression “vermin†includes any wild animals (other than rabbits, hares or deer) / ii) ( crofters act ) Hunting, shooting, fishing, or taking game or fish, wild birds, or vermin. The word “game†for the purposes of this subsection means deer, hares, rabbits / iii) (firearms act) the lawful shooting of deer; (ii) the shooting of vermin or, in the course of carrying on activities in connection with the management of any estate / iiii). I could go on and on but you
  18. Could do with 15 of them but I guess postage would be a killer and pick too far. John
  19. Check out the BDS website, a little out of date but good info. John
  20. The weather plays a big part in all types of hunting. The little beasties have an adept way of weather forecasting which is far better than anything we have, even Metcheck There are many reasons why you might not have see any rabbits, foxes may have disturbed them for example or someone might have lamped the rabbits last night. The only real way to understand the best times to hunt your patch is to know the land. I would hazard a guess that if tonight is warm and dry there will be loads of rabbits. John
  21. Being new here I'm not sure my opinion counts for a lot but what I would say is that if the OP was acting in the essence of pest control then he didn't do anything wrong, to reduce the numbers. I'm not 100% behind his method, for a reduction in numbers he should be looking at culling the does when the season opens but in the short term removing YOUNG and OLD is simply mimicking predation so in terms of natural selection his actions would have been justified. In terms of sport then obviously this would strike a cord with many 'sportsmen & sports women' and would seem to be repulsive. In fa
  22. Really, and here was me thinking that Roe were browsers and not grazers like the reds. Are you sure that you are not taring the Roe with the damage that the reds are doing? If we estimate that a horse will eat around 2% of it's body weight per day and that the average horse weight is 1000 lbs, that would suggest the horse would consume 20 lbs of green grass per day and you suggest a roe will graze 10 lbs of grass per day. The average weight of a roe being say 40 lbs, so you are saying that a Roe will consume over 25% of it's body weight in grass ? Where did you find this information? or did
  23. Well said that man!!! Best deer in the UK with no doubt at all!! Also something we should nurture and be very proud of, we need to look after them and promote good deer management to preserve the Exmoor deer. John
  24. AS I mainly shoot Exmoor Red's I feel a certain ability to comment on this. The .243" will kill reds, no doubt at all but the 6.5 or .308 is MUCH better and the rifle I pick up every time I go after reds with the .243" for roe. I would be very interested to hear where you stalk red deer? Bullet placement isn't that bigger issue as the kill zone of a red is a little over 12" and a shot any where in that zone will kill the deer. The little .22rf will effectively kill a deer IF you place the bullet in the correct position on the animals body, however legislation apart I think you will undoubted
  25. Obviously a very emotive subject. Being both a professional pest controller and deer stalker I can see both sides of this debate. To a pest controller, young, old, healthy or sick it makes no difference because the client is paying to rid their home or land of pests. I doubt the OP was being paid to carry out this work and so falls in to the category of recreational deer stalker or amateur deer stalker. It is very interesting that no one would bat an eye lid should the OP had shot fox cubs, a common and widely excepted practice. That is not to say that I would have taken the roe fawn, I woul
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