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Everything posted by HUnter_zero

  1. Strictly speaking you do not need land or even prove a good reason for owning a shotgun but I guarantee you that the FEO will ask you where or what you will be shooting and if you say that you have no where to shoot (he may ask for a shooting permission slip) he will recommend that the application is not granted and rightly so, if you have no use or need for a shotgun then you should not have one. That might sound harsh, it's not meant to be, just a reality check. You can go along to most clay clubs as a guest and have ago ( Find-a-club) and have a good reason to own a shotgun! John
  2. Much like you I have had a Baikal U/O for more years than I care to remember and it is still going strong. I've had a few single barrels too! I have never owned a Baikal semi, in fact the only semi I have owned was a Franchi and it was awful, very fussy about cartridges. The breaking point for me was finding myself leaning over a loaded gun, barrel pushed in to my belly, trying desperately to remove yet another jam, when suddenly I smelt the roses and gave my head a good slapping for being so stupid. I packed up my hide, my decoys and my magnet and set off home to return next day with a trust
  3. If I may ask, why? I know a few full time keepers and a couple of part time keepers. John
  4. Yes, very good but I find them a little big for woodland stalking, great when sat up or in a high seat. John
  5. I have plenty of shooting experience but find no pleasure looking at photos of foxes with their eyes and brain hanging out, or animals entrails hanging out. In fact I would go as far to say such pleasure could only be gained by the mentally ill. Now if I were a police officer and were to see some of the photos and comments, it would seriously worry me personally, especially if the public could use such projectiles against me. It's not a long walk before you have the top brass calling for a ban. As a group of sporting folk we are always causing ourselves many more problems than we need to by gi
  6. [note: no intentionally aimed directly at Mr_logic] It's a funny old world, not so long ago people took pride in killing humanely and cleanly. These days it seems in vogue to blow the animals to kingdom come, take photos of the blood bath and promote your skills as an expert animal demolition specialist all over tinernet. As a group we wonder why the government, police and animal rights groups have twitchy fingers. I and most other shooting folk can understand that the animals were killed quickly but to the casual on looker, it must look horrific and to any law enforcement personnel their
  7. Certainly is more this year. Four birds for two outings which is good for one man and his gun Seen far more than I could shoot. John
  8. The 'payments' office & 'licensing' office are two different sections, so it means little. At this stage I would sit back and wait, forget about it for a good few weeks. It makes no sense phoning them, your a new applicant, so hold fire for now. As for times, well it's a bit of a lotto. A mate has his FAC application processes with in four weeks and was out buying a rifle with in six weeks. I have heard of people waiting six months. I have my renewal this year and what fun that will be. Why is it that every year there IS a back log and all certificates will be held up, conversely from th
  9. Hey, we only just dropped all the Latin terminology! Stop picking on us we are a minority group....funny handshake.... back to turning lead in to gold John
  10. The first step is to work out what the birds are feeding on, presumably Ivy & and any acorn that are left ? Decoying them is going to be hard in such an area, so your better off setting up under the oak trees that the birds are pitching in to and waiting, shooting them as they come in to either roost ( late afternoon ) or feed. You could try lofting some decoys in to the oak trees, use fishing line attached to a weight, shot up and over a branch with a catapult, attach a decoy and loft, tie the other end of the line to a branch, cut the lines to recover the decoys. If you are seeing the
  11. I am set to follow the same path, unless I can find a practical use for the .410. John
  12. Out of interest, which .410 do you own? John
  13. No so! The plod will try for a prosecution *if* they can reasonably show that a member of the public is/has been or could be endangered or alarmed. The fact that the plod would be trying for a prosecution would mean the temporary or total loss of your SGC/FAC. John
  14. Well all I can say is that I am shooting with a Webley & Scott single barrel B/A .410 with a long barrel & full choke. Shooting Winchester 2 1/2" cartridges. A few nights ago, I was out with the lamp and took a shot at a rabbit about 25 yards away. I could clearly see the shot pattern hit all around the rabbit in the mud, which I verified after the shot and after the rabbit hopped away! I am no expert on the topic of the .410 but I am enjoying lamping with the gun, albeit shooting at very close range rabbits. I can remember a chap in my childhood, a well known poacher who worked for
  15. I once, a long time ago, killed a rabbit with a single #6 in the head from a 12 bore firing "white Rabbit" 36 g IIRC. Don't think the cartridges are made now John
  16. This sort of business is cropping up more and more at work. In short, there would be two main stumbling blocks and few minor issues. For the main, no is the simple answer. That said there are many companies out there that carry out pest control on Gulls using shotguns and in some instances are in clear breech of the firearms act. If you can prove that there is good cause, for example significant risk to health or safety or significant risk to property then yes you can shoot the birds in your garden. That's just the start, if one pellet crosses your boundary then you are deemed to be trespass
  17. SWMBO got me an ultrasonic cleaner, cobra rifle sling, tickets to see Derren Brown. I got myself 250 Black Gold. John
  18. I've been playing with a .410 all lamping season and after having read all sorts of opinions regarding .410 range being equally to that of a 12 bore, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people out there that obviously have never owned a .410. In short, the most effective range I have found with the lamp & .410 is around 15 to 20 yards IF you smack the rabbit with the full pattern. John
  19. I 'would' move from the mundane in to more exotic if it were not for being lazy. I have a .22rf, .243" & .308". As I reload I can load the .243" with 58 grain up to 100 grain bullets, crows to roe and the .308 takes over from there. Conversely the .22rf will do everything up to the .243". So for me, it's more about exotic loads such as a 58 grain V-max in my .243" or a 75 grain dual purpose load. John
  20. Waste of money and time in a .22 rifle. Not far off a waste of money and time in a .22 shotgun. Effective range is a little more than 10 yards on mice the pattern is very bad if shot in a rifle barrel. Far better off with 2" .410. John
  21. My mate has a browning semi and he can get 3+1, illegal as it may be, he has a restriction cert from the proof house. John
  22. The business of .223 & 5.56 was a bit of a shock to me. I've been reloading for well in to 15 years, my first CF rifle was a .223. I started reloading right from the word go, Litt's gave me 100 rounds of Lapua with the rifle, and my mate gave me 100 rounds of Mil ammo. Shot them all in my M77 with no issues at all. I was then lucky to find an advert in the free-ads for a complete reloading set up, the chap lived miles away so I called him and did the deal by post. I was armed with a complete RCBS reloading set-up, most of which I still use now. I don't have a .223 anymore and haven't shot
  23. Cheapest was to make snap caps is to tap out the spent primer from a shot case (could be rifle or shotgun ammo)and fill the hole with hot melt glue, trimming the excess off once cold or if you don't have hot melt glue, you can trim a pencil rubber to fit. Hey presto, snap caps for all your shooting sticks. John
  24. I'm sure Vim has little need for my input but I don't think his is pretending, them deer are definitely either fast asleep or very much dead John
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