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Everything posted by HUnter_zero

  1. As I said before, the same reason my .308 is stamped '.308' and not 7.62mm because it's a civilian rifle. Not sure why some P-H sporting rifles are stamped 7.62 tho John
  2. Rats = 40 per day Mice = per day The biggest problem you have is to work out how the rat gained access in to your loft. Until you work that one out will end up with more rats. Rats leave a smear mark on all runs they use, other rats simply follow that smear mark (scented oil) as they presume it will lead to warmer climates, water or food. Remember that your home insurance will not cover damage done by rodents, so if the rats gnaw your electrical cables, your home is at risk and not insured. John
  3. To be honest it's not that cheap anymore, compare prices to Privi. Just ask your gun shop and no doubt they will have some in stock. It used to come in plain cardboard boxes but last time my mate got some 7.62 the rounds were in a clear plastic bag. John
  4. I must be honest and say that when I owned a .223 I used Mil ammo with no issues at all and it's wasn't until I read on here that there was an issue that I was even aware of any debate. If I purchased another .223, I would certainly reload the RG cases I have here and not worry one bit about it. John
  5. It all came as a bit of a shock to me after reading on here that .223 & 5.56 are not the same. A bit of research showed that due to Mil spec brass being thicker the internal case capacity is reduced, and needs to have reduced loads when reloading Mil cases. Further research showed that Mil spec 5.56 was reported to be longer than civilian .223 rounds, due to a long throat or chamber on the military spec guns, yet both were stated as having an OAL of 2.26" To add some fuel to the already confused fire, some manufactures produce rifles that can handle the 5.56 (such as Ruger & Colt). I
  6. That explains why I had one of the cards foisted on me. I'm not much of a club man to be honest. I use the outdoor range for testing reloads and practice / zeroing. John
  7. Your club _should_ be able to issue you with a "Shooter certification Card", which is a CC size card with an issue date and club details. On the back of the card it states firearm types that you are certified to use, each type has to be initialed by the clubs chairman and signed. I have my old card in front of me which expired 4-1-10. I didn't go to any course but then the club chairman had known me for a long time and knew what I shot. It might be different this year (?) or your club might run a course, just ask the guys at the club. John
  8. Other than for dry fire practice. John
  9. .243 if you want to shoot both deer and fox (you guys have some fine Sika over there, so may be something a little bigger if you are mainly shoot deer). John
  10. Hi Liam, 1) Moderators are treated the same as "guns" and are considered firearms in the eyes of the police. So in the section which asks "Firearms you wish to purchase or acquire" you would enter " Sound moderator - .22 " for example. 2) I have never seen the point in FAC air if you have a .22 rf, but I guess in the same section as above " Air rifle .22 " 3) Some forces will grant a .17 HMR / .22 rf for foxes, if you we me I would simple put "vermin control" as a reason and then address it after your application has been approved. 4) Put EVERYTHING down. The police will find e
  11. Blooming heck!! We have two hobs going for a castration next week and it's £50 for the both John
  12. It's possible to push a thin jacket bullet to disintegration but it's not due to being 'over' stabilised and very unlikely to occur with factory rifles. Either a bullet is stable or it isn't. There are many myths including 'burning lead vapour trails'. John
  13. Thanks for that, no need to shout tho, my hearings not that bad. I would just love to try them (not being sarcastic. As per my previous post, I genuinely am interested in giving the ammo a bash for long range bunny bashing as I was planning on a .22 WMR). Thanks again. John
  14. I think silicone would be a little soft. I've used hot melt glue in my CF cases and shotgun cases. Works well. John
  15. Let's just face it, your mate was bull$hitting. I have played around with plenty of 'hot'loads but as yet have never been able to put more powder in the case than the case would permit Granted I have never reloaded with the powder that he suggested using, but I would certainly (as many others would also) take quick loads predictions very seriously indeed. Final estimated velocities have always been +/- 200 fps when compared to real time range testing, thats jolly well good in my eyes and enough to make me follow Quick loads advice. Just so that you know, Quick load is a computer simulat
  16. Bang on the money buddy! My 1in12 Pro-hunter is great with 58 grain V-max, very good with 75 grain V-max but not very good with 100 grain SP's. 58 grainers will produce one very small hole, 75 grainers a little over 3/4" but 100 grainers 1 - 2" groups. Really just going back to what I posted earlier in the thread, the OP needs to find a rifle with a twist that is suited to a mid weight bullet and have a compromise or much like another poster suggested, just stick to 100 grain bullets. Over kill for foxes but dead is dead. John
  17. Please show evidence of bullets being over stabilised. There is a myth, contained mainly with inexperienced shooters that a bullet can be "too" stable. John
  18. And can these be purchased in the UK? John
  19. I would love to know what or which brand of .22 long rifle ammunition produces 205ftlb John
  20. Interesting, running your suggestion through Quick Load shows that Tom would have to use 49 grains of H414 to produce 3798 fps or 1762 ft-lb using a 55grain Nosler. 51 grains would give a 99.7% case fill of powder, some compressed load Tom would have, but not for long because such a load according to quick load would produce well over safe pressures, so Tom wouldn't have much to worry about at all, not even council tax. I would love to see 51-52 grains. Pry tell, what load do you use with the 70 grain bullets? Now according to Quick load 52 grains of H414 would over fill the case by 1.6% or g
  21. You can say that again!! I had to put a second floor in my ferret hutch. Two packs of pine floor boards & screws cost me £50 at B&Q. John
  22. Snap caps are easy to make. Pop the primer out of the cartridge and fill the hole with hot melt glue or even glue a pencil rubber in place. You can make them for both shotgun and rifles! John
  23. It might well come down to that. What amazes me is that the poor beast is in such good condition. We took him to the vet yesterday for a once over and to scan for chips, nothing. The vet said give it 7 days and keep it. The RSPCA said the same. HOWEVER if it were my ferret I would be 101% gutted. It's surprising the number of people we have had who have said that it is 100% their ferret but when we ask what markings has the ferret got, or other specific questions they start to throw abuse and become really nasty.We are certainly not going to give the ferret away to any old person, the Mrs has
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