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Everything posted by rex

  1. Managed to take a few snaps with my new/old Minolta film camera 70-300mm tamron lense this morning...
  2. great snaps Kay. was lovely this morning
  3. hahaha I know, fair play to em!
  4. A couple of the lads at work have been clearing out an old storage area and stumbled across these pair... only had the works point and shoot Nikon Coolpix 4200 but managed to get a couple of shots. Thanks for looking
  5. i really like this pics especially the stags thanks Kay, yea i love seeing the stags, hopefully they will be there on a sunny morning one day haha
  6. Thanks for the advice muttle I didn't know that! Always learning
  7. Driving home from work with my brothers fujifilm S700 in my car I spotted a group of Fallow stags sitting in a local field. So banked the motor on the verge and plotted my route to get as close as possible without disturbing them. Walked around 500yards up the lane and hopped the fence, crawling on my front army commando style i managed to get the brow of the bank where they where sitting. The largest buck must of smelt me! he stood up managed to get a couple of shots, really needed to be closer or better still have a better lense! any way the shots I thought would be half decent turn
  8. managed to steal my old mans minolta dynax 500si film camera with a tamron 70-300mm lense, not digital but before I part with any cash be good practice and cheaper haha! any of you guys every used this camera?
  9. Some great replys guys thanks allot, but Muttle last comment sums me up really I am really only just starting out so I think a D70 with a nikon 300mm lense will be a good start to giving me better pic's than my cheapo compact point and shoot sony i have currently, if and when I get the bug, I can look at improving the quality of my lense. Thanks again for all your comments much appreciated
  10. Also wanted to say thanks for guys time in answering my novice questions:)
  11. Which nikon lense would u guys recommend? Don't want to brake the bank but also watsomethin reliable
  12. Found a refurbed D70 on eBay for 170 buy it now and a tamron 70-300mm lense priced at 70 quid do u guys think this is a decent setup?
  13. Thinking of getting a Nikon D70 body for general use, what lenses are you guys using for decent results in wildlife work?
  14. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-News/Poultry-Revenge-Chickens-Kill-Fox-After-Animal-Breaks-Into-Coop-In-Basildon-Garden/Article/201003115566323?f=rss
  15. A Super fast dog is useless with no experience, you want a dog that will box clever and put its quarry in the right position to utilise its speed. My bitch has just turned 4 and is now I would say at her peak, she gets the quarry exactly where she wants em ( most of the time haha ) and the rest as they say is history.
  16. I agree with Sully, on my normal daily walk route 2-3 years ago I would always see 30-40 rabbits about hedgerows etc but now I am lucky if I see 1, and its the same on the lamp, I always had a couple of garanteed fields that held 50-60 rabbits and the lurcher would take 3-4 rabbits in those fields alone, now I am lucky if I see 2-3. I have been reading quite allot about the new RVHD disease, has anyone else heard of this? I have found quite a few dead rabbits with no signs of mixxy. Im in the midlands is anyone else seeing this?
  17. Hey Guys, Maybe abit cheeky but thought I would ask anyway I am interested in tagging along with some ones ratting trip if anyone would be so kind? I have a 13 month old Patterdale and a well worked lurcher thats knows the ropes very well. If there is anyone located in the midlands and would be willing for me to tag along please drop me a PM ATB Rex
  18. Excellent ideas chaps thanks allot, I like the idea of drilling the hole in the lense, I have 2 lenses so I will try that idea first and I may try removing the clips and pushing it inside the lamp. I will keep you posted
  19. Hi guys, Just a thought, I have recently brought a red filter for my lightforce 170, I am happy with the results it gives but not so impressed with how awkward it is to fit and remove. To me its noisy and a pain in the ar*e. I am looking into modifying the mounting, I think the flick out style on the small logun gun mounted lamp is great. has anyone done anything like this on ther 170?
  20. Thanks for the fast replys guys, Stubby that was my only concern with smoking em out. I have read somewher that a can of dog food with holes drilled in it is a good way of keeping them in a single position long enough to get a shot away. back drop is not a problem. I will put some peanut butter on the trap and see how that goes tonight, if not I am off work tomorrow so i will have an hour n sit out and see what happens with rifle in hand Shame would have been good experience for the patterdale to have some fun! I will keep you posted
  21. Hi Guys, Didnt know which section was best to post this in so thought I would plum for General. Having kept poultry for years I have had a few unwanted visitors but nothing to serious and I have always just dropped abit of poison down and seems to have done the trick. I have quite a large chicken pen with a large run with a slabbed floor, I am 99% sure it rats there are 3 holes around the edge of the slabs with quite abit of earth piled up outside. I have today set a small fenn trap near to one of the entrances and baited it with some dog food. I am after your opions as whi
  22. rex

    Poddy the poacher

    Hahaha Poddy the Poacher, a old guy at work has told me loads of tales about this crazy bloke and I never really believed him, but looks like he was telling the truth, he also told me the story about the nail through his ear!
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