Get him to the vets like sky cat describes could be a foreign body slid up the nail which will need bathing and ice pack to bring swelling bone, broken bones can only be found at the vets get him booked in and rest him up. Trim the nails short as possible to keep the weight off
I some times get to ferret a motorway bank with a mate, the bank is at the end of his garden and I always take my grafting spade and fill the ferrets up with a good feed prior to going out,
You gotta be in it to win it mate! Give it a go
Top notch! Do some members forget there are many many sub forums on the site not just lurcher and running dogs?
Check out deer stalking and photography you will see some great and informative posts! If you can be arsed to look that is!
Sounds like jealousy to me and I have always found JD to be very helpful.
Happy hunting! If you can force yourself out that arm chair!