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Everything posted by thefox

  1. leggy i think these boys want to get out bit more butty

  2. netter feeling his feet soap

  3. offer him a night out leggy

  4. john i wouldnt give him fcukall butty

  5. netter hes right in what hes saying,if your not happy offer her back to him you had her for fcukall.

  6. packing up the hip is f****d butty

  7. you are right netter

  8. me too gastroenteritis has similar symptoms my pup had it brought him through it, out of ten pups two died with it,A.T.B
  9. read the post mate it says why he's sellin him
  10. how many you got left tez nobody seems to be selling butty
  11. you didnt miss much poor turn out
  12. no need to get nasty isi charl i was only saying the truth that leggy dont deserve one although have one for 50 quid the cheeky fat c**t im not getting nasty at all night catcher it was written under my name but not by me
  13. atleast my dog is seein wrk u prick put ur name up if ur big enuf
  15. won't tell you again

  16. you knew you did'nt have kennels before you had the dog
  17. a lot of people reckon its deer
  18. those comments on your gallery are not from me they're off pinky atb john thefox

  19. 2 eggs wont touch him . he want 2 dozen

  20. just got back.had one hell of a night on them

  21. we all know who you are,you're a clown without make up(so f*ck up)

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