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Everything posted by Dav3

  1. smoke the little b***ard out and kill it sorry to hear about that mate
  2. Dav3

    i realy

    Cheer's mate will have a look there
  3. Dav3

    i realy

    i would mate but i dont know any farms around my area the only one i know said that his sun does it
  4. realy need help with names of farms and contact numers in barnsley :(

  5. i really really really need permission in barnsley can anybody help with any farms the know, any contact numbers just any where so i can get my ferrets out ?
  6. Dav3

    Ha ha im working on Friday and sat day so you wanna go Saturday after? also need to go knoking for some permision with air riffle

  7. Was out to some sets that were local, never done them before, 10 purse nets in my pocket my parson Russel terrier and a spade. found the first set, my silver ferret (splodge) killed in. so out comes the spade, well it was impossible to dig there were rocks everywhere, so Glyn (wolly on here lol) Tried to dig got through the rock and the ferret was poking his head through the net unluckily we did not get our Bunnie:(. we moved onto the next set... nothing. the sets were empty, so we walked through clay-pigeon woods (Called that because it is where they do clay pigeon shooting) to find one set..
  8. off out ferreting in the morning gonna go for a walk with the dog and find some sets any tips on on where set is likley to be ( useualy sombody shows me where they are .) thanks guys
  9. ok im 15 and have a 2.2 air rifle but what are the laws of me going out on my self with it ?
  10. cheeres guys and i will post a pic of him when i get my camera back
  11. ok so i was givin a baby grey for free and i got offerd £50 for it. what is the difference with them ?
  12. thanks for the help guys gunna go next weekend and hopefully get some permision, do you think it would be better to bring my dad with me due to only been 15?
  13. hey does any body know if there is any places i can get permission in barnsley, south yorkshire? happy hunting DaV3
  14. what was your teachers name ? also how do you get like th rank as born hunter i dont understand it
  15. or yes i know im ot exactly new but when i first signed up i didnt realy use the website
  16. hey, my name is Dale i am into ferreting i would like to meet new members also i would like as much advice as possible, there is always somthing new to learn
  17. well done mate where did you go ?
  18. hey mate i have four ferrets, and in my opinion i would get hobs. i dont know this for sure but i have heard that you have to breed jills every season or they could get cervical cancer. but four ferrets are hard woru haeto handle them aot. i handlemine nearly every day run them through the dummy set i have set u. hope this helped
  19. The black rabbit will have mixy and will pass it on to many other rabbits , this is one methods farmers use to get rid of high populations of rabbits hope this helps, also put a net over the hole you dug out if its till in use and ALWAYS back fill your holes
  20. hey, i have been offerd a Mk 1 box fully workink for £50 but no colars and i cant seem to get my hands on any Mk 1 colars but i can easly get some Mk 3 colars so would a Mk 3 work with a Mk 1 box? Please help me out lads thanks very much DaV3.
  21. i have just got 4 ferrets and i have a albino ferret (dog) which climbs out of structures with no lids like this lol, still nice set up i would just recomend a roof
  22. hey, i am new to ferreting just bought 4 ferrets (all dogs) i have 3 polecat cross ferrets and one full ferret which is an albeno. I have been feeding them on chicks and this stuff in a packet called rabbit dinner and some alpha ferret food, i also have some ox liver and chicken liver for them. has any body got any tips for training my ferrets if so please, please, please post. many thanks, Dale.
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