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Everything posted by Dav3

  1. also i had no intention of making money from breeding them. i know how t5o look after ferrets this was one thing i was puzzled about.
  2. DO YOU NOT KNOW ANYTHING? Why on earth are you asking for ferreting permission when you can not even tell a Jill from a Hob? How bloody annoying is that. John and also you dont have to be a dick about it mate. im geusing you knew about every thing when you 1st got your ferrets ? these are the 1st ive had i always used to go with my dads mates. SO ye i appologise about not been a know it all and having questions and i didnt check if they where all boys at 1st because i got told by the person who sold me them. So please take your bitchy comments to another forum.
  3. there are all defenitly boys. Thanks for advise.
  4. ok lol well should i take his/her brother to my dads the other 2 arnt related
  5. i got told they were all male off of the the people i got them of of if it is a female should i remove his or her brother :S
  6. OK so i have four ferrets they are in a double tier cage which i have just got for them. I went out to feed them and two of them where laid on top of each other. so i pick them both up to find that one of them was latched onto my other ferrets neck. my ferret now has what looks like a graze on its neck ( on top of the neck near his back) what should i do get rid of the ferret that is biting my other ferret ?
  7. i use i use them in my bsa meteor mk1 and at 20 yard but a hole in both sides of a dog food can
  8. sorry [bANNED TEXT] cant answer that i use 6oz nylon
  9. i would like to thank the guys who helped me pick a scope out and genaraly help with helping me along with my gun, i massive thank you to zini who gave me a load of help so thanks guys. I now have a new spring and a Hawke scope on it but 1 last question will a MK 1-5 fit on my bsa meteor mk 1 ?
  10. hey i have a BSA meteor mk1 and it needs a new spring would a BSA meteor Mk7 spring or something fit in it, ATB dale
  11. where abouts are you lol i have a nice little sandy.
  12. hi Dav3 yes sorry photos took off my phone , will try and get better ones up soon its ok mate lol when i first clicked on it it said new ferret and only one photo lol
  13. Cant see it very well is it a pole cat mate ?
  14. one last question will any scope fit it?
  15. :gunsmilie: that is not bad i might treat myself to one cheers mate
  16. cheers mate, realy good advice will take it down the woods one of these days for abit of practice
  17. hey this is a thread to post the dogs you take working with and pictures to show off your ahrd work and devotion to the sport and the dogs this is my little parson Russel terrier
  18. also what scope would you recomend it needs to be a cheepish one lol i saw one on ebay for 10 pound but is that too cheap ?
  19. cheers mate it is a 22. i know that much about it lol it will be perfect for me then if it is a good starter gun just need to convine the mother to let me out with her:)
  20. hey got given a BSA meteor and i was wondering if they are any good, i am getting the spring changed and a scope for it but have no experience with air rifles at all
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