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Everything posted by leannelurcher

  1. well after weeks of struggling with bailey .i am finally getting there with him he can sit .stay everthing .but he keeps trying to shag my leg only on a moring when i go in the kitchen we have had him on my mates farm runnign around he will bring things back .we got a fake teddy rabbit looks like a real one and he will chase it and bring it back and when i click my fingers he will drop it at my feet really proud of my self and bailey thank god i didnt sell him or give him away time and effort does pay off .i have my time with the kids then i have my time with bailey .we got him a cra
  2. i was going to give my lurcher away but really got settled with him now fantsic dog i have here .but when i put him for free on here the amount of p.ms i got then i thought to my self people are seeing pound signs so didnt give him away trained him my self train and now have a fab dog
  3. you never no she might have a miners tunnle
  4. she looks very well hun well done love the labour ward you made for her .bet most people wouldnt do that so well done to you cant wait to see pics of the pups and mum when they are born
  5. thank you we have a camrea up and it caught them over the fence x
  6. so yesterday tea time bailey was in the garden .and the kids kept knocking on the door can you get our ball out your back yard i said yeah .got it about 8 times for them in the end i said if it comes over again im not getting it as me and the kids were having our tea .so a knock at the door came again this kid said if it goes over can i jump over and get it. i said no becuse bailey will go for you even tho he is only a pup he will bite you .so sat down with the kids eating our tea and here bailey going nutts in the back yard he has this 7 year old kid pinned by hes legs .he didnt mark the litt
  7. nice dog mate at least he is in your care now x
  8. no have her email for you its www.fatfanny.com As long as she can do a good fry up thats all that matters and i couldent see her wanting designer clothes and jimmy choo shoes she might cook your fry up but you wont get a chance to eat it she would as for clothes we have a 5 man tent that would fit her
  9. no have her email for you its www.fatfanny.com
  10. if i looked like her i would find the biggest steam roller to flaten me to the ground are jelous becuse you not her man she would eat you alive
  11. talking from experience, ??? Yep I luuuurrrrve fatty's, some people call me a chubby chaser! she wont need much chasing, , shes got more rolls than gregs bakery and dont think she could run
  12. Christ i have just spit tea all over the screen its like a few years ago we were drivign back from a shoot and he shouted to a horse YOUR MINE LATER hes a ding man lol
  13. holy shit .my brother would tackle her he would do any thing that moves lmfao :tongue4:
  14. what a bunch of bellends pmsl
  15. congrats hope mum and baby are doing fine .love her name she is so cute
  16. no a bloke with a deerhound its called shadrack
  17. my son is called DAINTON he is the only kid in our town called dainton i also like nathan
  18. if any one would be intrested in bailey then plases come take him as i am not willing to let a good dog down any more there will be no more posts from me on bailey as the time has defilty come for me and him to part .yes i have lost money buying him and will lose it but want him in a good home asap .no peddlers or any dick heads .if you want him i want info on how he is doing in the future .its not fair on bailey .me .or the kids .i am gona miss him so mutch but i think he should go to people with time for him and i dont with me having the 3 kids .yes i have posted this over and over but .its
  19. yeah wilf i do have a garden its canny big aswell build a good pen when u want to have time for other things put him in it .plenty of exercise hell b glad to see the pen . thank you i want to start buling a pen x
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