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Everything posted by leannelurcher

  1. on a feild were we live its says no dogs of the lead in huge signs and a fine warning aswell so any ways we had bailey on the lead and this guy comes walking over and says dont walk any further with the kids and your dog.i asked why he said becuase the rspca are trying to catch a staffy bitch that has just attacked a man walking hes jack russel .he said the jack russle was on lead but staffy wasnt .now he even said the man said to the rspca officer my staffy attacks other dogs i didnt think any one was around the officer said the feild says no dogs of the lead witch you ignored !now this f
  2. fantastic pups mate millie looks very well .she has the same name as my daughter lol pups feeding of mum ok ?
  3. well its seems ok to me but what it is standing on could lok better with sumit els
  4. thanks but still needs a little something is that the first one you have done ?
  5. just went on google and yours came up what a smart tatoo
  6. they shouldnt be alive full stop shoot be used a target prectice in my opion
  7. were would you find a bigg enoguh sponge to wash her .lol
  8. didnt mind him nicking it but when he tryed ot lick me face i was errr no bailey no kisses for you my boy
  9. holy cow she has more rolls than greggs bakery
  10. are you going to work the dog leanne ? yeah once he is trained propley just seen you fromhartlepool too
  11. Hi mate.You can use a chock chain if you want.Every time the dog start to pull.Give the command heal.Turn 180 and walk the other way.If the dog has been trained to sit make it do so before you start walking again.This cant take a good few days.But then again you dont have a dog pulling for a few weeks atb. Catcher cheers catcher i am gona give that ago need to find a choke chain first we have a plcae called pets at home would they sell them. sounds good making him sit before i start walking again good advice there mate thanks Glad to help mate.dont need a choke chain any l
  12. cheers lads you heard the thing butter wouldnt melt if bloody does you no lol hes a brilliant dog would be lost with out him everyone i talk to when out with bailey says he is lovely propper good dog makes me feel good in my self i am abit scared taking him out at night as was out side my local shop few weeks back and this lad said sell me your dog i said no hes not for sale then he said ill take him off you in a minute so dont harlds take him out at night unless my brother is with me .but during the day i take him my self first thing on a moring after the kids have had the brek
  13. Hi mate.You can use a chock chain if you want.Every time the dog start to pull.Give the command heal.Turn 180 and walk the other way.If the dog has been trained to sit make it do so before you start walking again.This cant take a good few days.But then again you dont have a dog pulling for a few weeks atb. Catcher cheers catcher i am gona give that ago need to find a choke chain first we have a plcae called pets at home would they sell them. sounds good making him sit before i start walking again good advice there mate thanks
  14. looks like its got a bit of a broken coat, could be a bit of wheaton or deerhound in him? ayb J.A Bull x deerhoundx greyhound had 1 which was the head off him..nice.. really now a old bloke i no from the alotmonts said the same thing he has to deerhounds spike and flea pmsl
  15. ere whin he is bigger than the pics mate lmfao he is trained but the lead thing is borthing me and thanks for other replies
  16. thanks whin im still new to it all but pickign things up quick hes nos who the boss is
  17. thanks everyone some good advice there
  18. just took them can any one tell what he has got in him ?
  19. thats what we trying to walk to heel but he pulls so hard me dad was suppose to be getting me a chocker yesterday but rang him and he said that bailey doesnt need one now i am gona post some pics of bailey soon he is huge for 18 weeks i would love to no what he is crossed with as when i got him my daft brother said just ask if he is lurcher on lurcher what a muppet and thanks for other replies lads will do x
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