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Everything posted by leannelurcher

  1. iv seen them for £55 quid
  2. iv been after one of them for years lol might have one of you .ill see other half later
  3. were can i buy a gun dog slip lead from tryed out local pet shop they anit got any ?
  4. bit crap but when my dad cheated on my mum i took hes keys to hes new girlfriends house while they were out and me and my brother put kippers under her floor boards as she was having her new carpet layed soon then put a few behind her radiorters .so she was a stinker and so was her house then my dad tryed to blame the carpet fitter so i owned up to it did want some poor bloke losing hes job over me keep your friends close and your eminies even closer is my motto
  5. shocking its gettign scandeless when my son was a new born we found a saftey pin in hes baby milk in the cow and gate powerded milk
  6. thanks i anit had rabbit in years maybes bailey will get me one soon he is very big when people come in to our house they say he cant be only 3 months hes a big lad .i was out walking him the other night and a old man i no has 2 wippets .he said he looks very well and im doing a good job with him made me feel really good in my self
  7. thanks for all the replies lads and lasses hes a good dog i had my monments when i first got him but totally changed now yeah i seen the pup in the countrys mans weekly read it in asda .then my 4 year old said is that the paper were we kill the rabbits mummy i said ermm no lol he keeps asking me for a gun we thinking of getign him a little crack aprt for christams .and we just got him a camo jacket witch he wears for school the other kids think hes mad lol
  8. thanks lads he is big for 3 months like he is nearly the hight of my 2 year old lol yeah heis rough coated when i got him he was smooth ish x i was thinking about a dear hound
  9. i no i have posted pics of bailey but wanted to show yous a few more .some one sadi he looks like hes got a beddy in him ?
  10. had some great replies we couldnt go to the beach as my son has been ill so we going 2moro now will keep update on how we did x
  11. thanks jake i rang up earler and the only one close to me is dalton piercy and you cant get the bus there and i dont have a car so i dont no what to do and when i rang the one thats quite away from me they said its a 6 month course and its gona cost me £55 quid if u life close you can train him lol
  12. thanks i think its very harsh to keep dog on the lead .bailey would love it im gona try him tonight see how he goes he stays close to me in the house aswell when i whistle he comes to me or if hes in the back yard and im in the lving room and i whistle or shout him he comes runnign in seeing were i am lol
  13. You having a bad day leannelurcher,?????? yeah bit kids doing my head in but thats what i became a mum for lol
  14. Good advice... Dog will stick by your side through woods , strange fields etc but as above be aware of distractions such as livestock, people or wildlife. Keep calling the dog to you and just touch or stoke its head and praise it. This gives the dog confidence and reassures it. In no time you will feel confident enough yourself that if you meet someone or something that catches the pups attention the dog will return on recall, but also remember as a pup they are still a baby and play comes before anything so if you don,t get instant recall just relax and don,t show anger when the pup returns.
  15. was litsting to you just want to try my own routine on him first before i go running of to dog trainers thats why i asked for advice first !
  16. Take time to read it Leanne, its worth the time......all the best with your dog. thanks wilf
  17. when i first got my pup 5 weeks ago now .i was out side our local shop and to young lads said ere love nice puppy .i just said cheers and walked off .the same night i sen the both lads at my back fence
  18. yes terrible.. is your house mucky!! no its not i dont own a junk yard .just since the mice have been i think the house is scuffy and love the idea of ball braring thats great
  19. we have a big feild near us i am thinking about taking him over tongith and letting him off see how he gets on
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