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Everything posted by leannelurcher

  1. real tree bomber jacket from been after one for ages now seen a lasses one in my bros mag but it was £165 anit got that kind of cash
  2. i was talking to my dads mate who is a police officer and he said the amount of working dogs that get stolen is so high theses days .but the police officer said a dog is one of the best things to take easy cash and untracble withc he is write in hes own way .dog crime is shan as out thses days i would be devestaed if bailey got took
  3. that's easy just get rid of them staffys i've got a spare spade if ya need one mate ha ha all i need is a 45 and a shovle and some lime
  4. this really pisses me off your always get the odd nob head nicking dogs i swaer if i caught any one over my back yard for my pup i would glady burry them alive .nout worse than people asking things about your dog then cathing them looking over your fence late at night .bailey dont sleep in the garden but we let him wonder in the yard when back dor is open but always keep a eye on him .just shows you what people arelike .its people like that who give us people a bad name i was in out shop last week and one lad said who yuo looking at i said what ever you crank he said i will take your dog
  5. takes a while to pick up but its funny
  6. i was only a baby when my dad started hunting .he had all hes guns .and took me to the farm he sue to shoot on .and let me have a ago of hes 2.2 bullet rifle and i shot a rabbit think my dad got jelous becuse everytime i asked to go with him he said no after that i have always loved hunting since beign a child .gave skin a rabbit and i dont feel sick the smell anit to good like i can break a rabbits neck .i can shoot mostely any gun going .use to go to the hartlepool gun club with my dad nock a few rounds of in the shooting range .have been bushing .ratting .beating .everything nearly .mos
  7. if you ring the civic centre up and ask tehm they say its every 6 to 8 weeks they do i had just missed it by 2 weeks after i got bailey so it should be soon if you give them your deatils they will give you a ring when its on and what time it is .i am wating for the bloke to ring me if he dont ring by next friday gona give him a ring and ask when it is mate
  8. never thought about that gave me a idea now
  9. do you carry anthing with you ?.etc a stick to protect your self if any one or other dog tryed anything .i have now left my knife at home as dont want a pull over of the police i now carry half a broom shank with me quite small but very handy .we have a few stray staffys runing about the bloke who owns them dont give a shit and they have already bit a old lady while she was wating for the bus one night .so i find my self wanting to protect me and my pup while out day and night ?
  10. i think all dogs should be chipped .would hate to lose bailey noing i didnt get my arse up and have him chipped witch is FREE! yeah i thouhgt hes name and phone number is better than my adress just needed some info on what was best . a lad i no had 2 jrt and ddint get them chipped and one day out walking one buggerded off and we have never seen it since .i no chipping anit all the answers coz dogs can go a stray but its a very good idea .we had our patterdale chipped our srpriner spaniel.our lakeland and our wippet .we always ahve done just a familey thing
  11. was just wondering how many of you lads or lasses have had they dogs chipped .or even wear i.d tags .our local concil chip our dogs for free we getting bailey done soon is it best to put hes name and addres on hes i.d tag or phone number ?
  12. thank you hes a really good dog .i really did think he would run of but he proved me wrong lol .just want to prove to my self that i can do it no matter what cost it is keep up the good work its far easier to live with a dog thats well trained. just keep it all a game that he loves to play and gets rewarded and praise. its better when you take him out hunting in due course remember to stock brake him nice and early if you havnt already its very important there 100% with all stock including chickens as well as sheep, lambs and cattle. lambs are harder and no wee ones at this time of year be
  13. was thinking that would be funny if that moose ate him he keeps getting parniod thining he can see people i say get him home and give him a good kfc if hes trippig of starviton
  14. any of you lads or lases watched it i think its canni good .love bear grills hes a nut case dosnt give a shit
  15. ill come down and pop the tyres on that van for ya mate .cant stand people who try and take other peoples dogs if it was me i would go up to the van and say oi u fowlling me or what iv been fowled home of to young lads then on the night i caught them looking over my back fence then last night im sure i heard some one climign back over whne i looked out a young lad was running off .so me beign me .shouted get over my back yard for my dog and i will gladly burry you in here
  16. this is my wee bitch nae beddy but wheaton but whippet as well so she is quite small might make 22tts the heads are similar [bANNED TEXT] cheeky faces mines a terror with all my other dogs annoys the shit outa my bull x. my pure wee cocker has nae chance nowhere to run and wont hide gives the pup a tellin off an 20 secs later shes back at her the little shit. your dog is lovely i should pout some more pics up of bailey when he lays on the sofa he is nealry full lenhg of it all layed out lol gona have a big dog anit i lol and to the stig .yeah i was all new to this when i go
  17. thank you hes a really good dog .i really did think he would run of but he proved me wrong lol .just want to prove to my self that i can do it no matter what cost it is
  18. well i call it a street but its really a grove type area no cars speeding or nout
  19. sounds daft but i am really over the moon with my self and bailey .even another dog was in the street and he ddint bother running off
  20. i let bailey of hes lead just in our strret see what he was like he was brill chased me down the street lol then i said come boy and walked with me back to the house and came stight in the door .only was out for 10 mins in the sreet i no its deifften to being on a feild but im so proud of my self i was scared to start of with lol
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