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Everything posted by Gunner123

  1. Nice to know someones paying attention Simo, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside *kisses" LOL
  2. I did state a sticky thread, not a single thread every time. If you cant handle the fire , leave the mod badge at the desk on the way out ! ;o)
  3. How do you know what is in them dry balls ?? because the bag says so or did you spend your own hard earned cash to scientifically prove it to yourself ? Im just interested, you do know there is no governing body that stands over dry dog food to say whats in it, is actually in it ??!! If you want to add carbs to your dogs feed, use whole meal rice, if you want to add fat to your dogs feed use animal fat, dont depend on the fat sprayed on the dry food for longer shelf life. In my opinion of course.
  4. Well why didnt "yous" just say )
  5. <p> The thread in question was up untill late last night early morning, why was the whole thread deleted if only illegal or derogatory posts are removed ? If you dont want to moderate, and it's more hassle than its worth, hand your badge in on the way out! PS Mr mathews88 requires some assistance in the stafford bull terrier thread in the terrier section LOL
  6. Is there any ? Could moderators whom feel the need to remove whole threads and single posts alike , pm or make a sticky post in general chat why they have felt the need to remove a thread, and please include the deleted thread title. It's not much to ask, let's start with case in hand, the "raids" thread in the terrier section. Some interesting points posted and poof it's gone.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX8qcOWFr-w
  8. LOL my deepest apologies, i think i had a bottle of pop too many last night and i do get a little defensive when poked LOL It is very nice to know i have contributed to your new internet personality Mr SS i always found you quite funny to say the least LOL its the you's and us secterian banter that was just a little bit close to the knuckle, pun intended LOL Flute band cd's ? reverse knuckle action dvds would be better LOL Happy New Year ;0)
  9. Here come the disciples. Tut Tut Tut.
  10. I looked because you posted the link in an email to me, i bet your tied back to back to your bitch now as you type with a tin of chum smeared around your plums with your other cur dog licking it off, while your thumb is firmly rammed into your own hole. All the time with your missus having you in a choke hold so you get the full effect of your beastly turn on. John yer Diorty auld kunt ! ;o)
  11. Just trying to decipher the picture your boyfriend posted on rotton.com , so then, aye its you, you dirty filthy bum sucker.
  12. A concise read on the mans findings about his dog(s) and his personal ancestry. Am i missing something with the "write a book" remarks ? On what topic ? Forgive my ignorance.
  13. Get a whippet from working parents, grand parents, grt grand parents and so on. That sonny dog is from pedigree lap dogs. A flook, it wont guarentee a decent pup.
  14. aye the only coloured ring you would know about is the male brown ring. /> Would that be the rusty ring you wear round your tongue most nights ?
  15. Do you seriously think that dried ball of cardboard contains all that it says ! you do know for starters there is no governing body that guarentees whats said to be in the dried food actually is ?!If i can find the writings , there was a dogman in the states that took his dry bag of dog feed to a lab to be tested for content, the nutritional value found was very very low. It was mainly an over cooked grain which in my opinion is not a complete diet. The millions of pounds spent by these companies is advertising which 90% of people fall for ! case in hand !
  16. Lead training and the like will exhaust the little fella in no time. Short bursts are fine but a developing pup shouldn't be loaded with too much exercise in my personal opinion. Guage on his reactions, too tired then cut back.
  17. Only ring you should be concerned about is smashing her's in !
  18. It's a waste of bandwith!
  19. Clique is an understatment , that Gallagher lad is a clown. Didn't he send a block message on the forum before christmas saying he was leaving and another lad would be running the forum as he is so stressed out with running the forum ?? Hahaha Mr google cut and paste , what he knows about dogs you could write on the back of a stamp with a crayon.
  20. Raw veg will go straight through your dog, start the digesting process by part cooking first. Throw your dog a bit of raw carrot, keep an eye on his stool, you will see it come out the same as it went in. Cooked veg will be easier to digest and thus more nutritious to your charge.
  21. Absolutely right.....the law should never have been prejudiced by what breed of dog you keep....law is law.....a bites a bite. " racism " is a bit of an understatement........................i think the term " genocide " would be more accurate when it came to the apbt ! The joke is on the law, the other breeds that were listed in the DDA were as rare as hens teeth as it were in uk and even here in eire which shows the mentality then, and how lightly thought out the act actually was. What you can't have you want even more, this thug culture has that such mentality from guns to do
  22. It will be promising to see the majority with trophy dogs, or joe public with the uncontrollable lab or poodle for that matter get the pressure the bull freternity have been getting for years. All human aggressive dog owners and uncontrollable dog owners need to feel the pressure and fear the law, more so than the law abiding bull owning responcible dog man or woman. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Dog racism stops now ! "The deed not the breed" where did i hear that before?
  23. Dont believe everything you read on here either!
  24. They have gone all commercial on us, pitty LOL
  25. Jezzus christ , dont they teach spelling and grammar these days at the chimp enclosure !
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