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Everything posted by Gunner123

  1. Drug dealer wanna be's *insert sarcastic smiley face* lol
  2. Im sure Mr Reid could come on and defend himself, he has an active message forum i believe.
  3. I do hope your not referring to the british bull dog LOL!
  4. I see he is taking his show on the road this year http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/385402_331323723554143_100000295549796_1283322_1915245852_n.jpg
  5. "Doing what they was once used for", im sure the anti people would have a slight problem with a dog taking down a horse gnash lol (going on THLpatricks historical reference!) *joke*
  6. An unfortunate situation for the pit bull-dog, "we" created a dog who would excel in the pit, like it or loath it, i say WE as a whole. Man has created alot of things in his life, the creation of dogs for work in my eyes shows another level of intelligence that has not gone unrewarded. BUT, it takes a breed of people to sabotage a single line of dogs , a lifes work, in a second. The breed was doomed from its conception, human nature would soon see to that. The programme in question, i have just watched as i had it recorded by a friend. First of all, anyone surprised at this type of journa
  7. Ask a stupid question .. ... .. ... LOL
  8. 1. If you delete all the messers and trouble makers there would only be the moderators left. 2. Deleting or banning members will only get rid of their posting name, they can resign up very very easily again, as some do and have been caught out. 3. Concerns for the site with regards members and their input has been left by the roadside a long time ago. A tight ship would see a lot less members on here, but alot less appealing for advertisers and the like. Let the reprobates say what they want to say and post what they want to post. When the big hand of the law comes tugging on their
  9. Some very smart looking birds Moll & Millet.
  10. Are there Many Derry lads on here? Just seen the news, it looks bad up there.
  11. Some nice pieces on that site.
  12. I will stand up and listen when you can prove what is in the dry feed you feed your dogs. Simple really. )
  13. How do you know what is in them dry balls ?? because the bag says so or did you spend your own hard earned cash to scientifically prove it to yourself ? Im just interested, you do know there is no governing body that stands over dry dog food to say whats in it, is actually in it ??!! If you want to add carbs to your dogs feed, use whole meal rice, if you want to add fat to your dogs feed use animal fat, dont depend on the fat sprayed on the dry food for longer shelf life. In my opinion of course. Ah its nice to know my little trolls are still about lol, those nasty dog food manufactures still
  14. Speaking for myself, as i wouldnt dream of speaking for anyone else. My reason for the OP was to simply ask why a complete thread was removed, and if moderators at least could give reasons as to why (very simple). To which stabs kindly posted that the origonal thread starter had asked for it to be. The topic in hand got a little bit tongue in cheek, and out of hand a little, but no need to rally the troops around the moderation team with cotton wool !
  15. Who said I can't handle the moderation ? Merely I had concerns which I aired. What are you looking for, a blue Peter badge? Collect it at malts bedside locker when you leave his bedroom in the morning. Kind Ragards. G.
  16. I foresee the scene from star wars bar ! LOL
  17. MR SS !! how dare thee !! are you back in action ? LOL
  18. One mention of staffs and even the antis join in LOL!!!
  19. Is that why you have cuts on your knees ? HAHA
  20. Plenty of staff experts on here, i will leave it to them to answer! is your staff red ? LOL
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