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Everything posted by 03milesR

  1. I brought the ralph lauren jacket of fieldsportsman, got a bit tired of it so ive stuck it on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ralph-Lauren-Harrington-Jacket-/200788932344?pt=UK_Men_s_Coats_Jackets&hash=item2ebff3f6f8
  2. What's your email adress mate? I'll send the pictures to that
  3. hello mate, got a webley and scott .410 bolt action shotgun if your interested? where abouts are you from? Rikki
  4. inbox is full! I'm very interested in the 12g shotgun, where abouts are you from? Rikki
  5. thanks for the info lads, them fuds do looks like the bees knees though and the reviews seem to be quite positive. Still quite expensive though!
  6. can you mix fud and shell/full bodied decoys? im sure ive heard that its a no no but is it? thanks Rikki
  7. A friend of mine has got one and he said exactly the same thing when we first used it as a hide, what you'll find is it will get lighter and darker depending on the sunshine (sounds stooooopid i know but just trust me ) a good piece of kit in my personal view, lets just hope its not a cheap crappy copy you have just brought, ATB Rikki
  8. f**k me thats a new one to me,I always thought there was the good ones and the bad ones.Not having a go at you(you did not write it)but i would consider that statement pure bullshite.Done everything with them for years,and never saw 27 different looking ones,just saw two. no offense taken, its exactly what i thought, but it does mean ever so slightly different looks, such as muzzle length, face size, height, regardless of weather it was complete crap or not, it was quite an interesting read just sharing something that I had read, didnt mean to come across as a 'clown'.
  9. There a horrible cartridge to use in my personal view, not bad shot wise but the amount of crap that's left in the barrel after using them is unreal! I also found that they didnt have enough recoil to reset the trigger set to fire the next barrel
  10. hello everybody got a slight problem that is just starting to bug me, on the far end of the wooden forend (nearest to the sight end of the barrels) the black has going and is showing just bare metal, is there anyway to stop or fix this or is this just something that happens, its not the most expensive gun in the world so i dont want to have to spend hundreds on fixing it, thanks in advance Rikki
  11. Looking through previous comments as well and just comments in general (such as just over hearing ect.) it annoys me when someone says a staffy doesnt look like a pure bred staff, I was reading and it's not well known but there is actually up to (or maybe even more now) 27 different looks to a staffy, personally I was intrigued and look seeing all different looking dogs, personally I don't like a breed of dogs that all the same!
  12. I've got a red staffy, got him into rabbiting really and my god, I don't know weather it's because he is running by himself and not against anther dog (to compare to) but fook me does he look quick, caught a fair few with him as well! Cracking dog, won't stop unless I call him to either, good worker, good dog
  13. Pm sent, very interested in the shells and wobbler sticks
  14. Would you spilt at all? If so how much for the shells and wobbler sticks? Rikki
  15. all the best mate, look after yourself out there! Dont know you but got a huge amount of respect for you ATB Rikki
  16. nope cant see any pitting at all or rust, all looks in pretty good condition really and i forgot to do the sound check after being quite cuffed with the condition of the barrels tbh its just something that was said in passing when talking about the gun and being a newbie and my first o/u i like to double check and tbh I couldnt be happier with the response ive got and the amount of time it took to get the first orignal post. I really do appriecate it guys and gals (if any ) Thanks Rikki
  17. I dont know the chokes on my gun and would like to find out! So a choke gauge is needed! as cheap as possible if possible thanks Rikki
  18. just a friend recommended doing it because I said its a few (about 20) years old? Its in perfect condition barrel wise though
  19. Recently got a under and over 12g, just spoke to an old friend who said about getting it proofed immediately? Should I get it done? And does anyone know anywhere I can get it done? (I’m in Kent) Thanks Rikki
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