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Everything posted by Swift

  1. You'd have got an A that in ur exams pal, quite far fetched and hard to believe but i hope its true.
  2. And it you see a lad with a brown and white collie/greyhound very big for a 4 month old pup, give me a shout!
  3. Will they be microchipping there this year?
  4. AGREE 110% ON THAT BEDDYS ARE AS GAME AS THEY COME VERY heard strong hence the terrier, but canna fault it for heart eh pal?
  5. Tbh pal i havent seen your dog, the build the temperment so i wouldnt no, but the bitch i know is about 23 tts, quite big built, she tackles charlies by herself and kills them, but shes very experiencd now shes 7 years old, so it mite be best trying her with a older experienced dog.
  6. Keep trying her pal, i know a beddy/grey bitch that will tackle anything game as f**k mate with a lot of heart.
  7. Are then any gurts willing to give us a sneek preview
  8. Swift


    Quality mush
  9. f**k paying, ill be sure to be sneeking in.
  10. wheres this ground your hunting then. its the vast open space between his ears. he does talk some shite. not as much shite as you al bundy wanker of the top grade if there ever was one and im definitely not alone in saying that. its just im not scared of saying that. as for where i hunt, its called gods country for a reason. you can say im talking crap as much as you want as i couldn't give a flying f**k. i just speak the truth and for bawbags like you the truth hurts dont it. the forum could do with out some of the lads like the ones quoted above. you cause more damage than go
  11. Ever see a dog catch 17 in the daytime? How do u no the mush wasnt lying? and no i havent i've never seen 17 on the lamp, i would not want to take tht many hares day or night, there getting very scarse.
  12. I suppose you do twenty out a twenty regular way do you bud no i think running hares is like watching paint dry,but i dont think its a big deal if some one lamps them or kicks them up in the stubble in the day.to me a hare is just a hare. the day walkers crab the lampers for killing so called easy lamped hares,then go out as soon as the corns cut to run very very very easy hares, Are u f*****g real?
  13. In my eyes, lamping hares on the lamp is just the same as in the day, ive seen the same dog catch a hare in the within a minuite, then on the lamp it has took it near on 5 minuites to catch.
  14. That didnt sound [bANNED TEXT], i mean i hate the horrible smelly b*****ds.
  15. 24 hour disease, Has anybody ever heard of it, and what does it do???
  16. Ur cumin out with sum blinders martin makin me piss lol!
  17. I once met a bloke called tim i threw tomtoes at 'im tomatoes are soft and dont brake the skin but these fuckers did they were still in the tin.
  18. Shawshank redemption the hangover green mile all quality films in different ways.
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