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  1. I wouldn't say they are too small just smaller than his original stuff .He told me once he purposely let size slip but I think he had no choice in the matter ,breeding from same stuff continually does that .I don't agree with some things he's done but overall what is there to moan about .The smooth coated ,bull headed pat type will be about long after he's gone and will have stamped its gene on many a yard .I wish I'd taken up the offer to dig with him in his prime. Did you notice when The breeding was only so many generations down from line breeding you got bigger? better type and boned anima
  2. Snitch99 if you on about ged he wernt Arthur bred that was eve out of his litter sister x arthur ? Ged killed plenty foxes but he was no fox dog just a doubled up snakehead
  3. some good days out your having there mate which russel is the one thay bounces on Ya in Ya shed the one with the brown patch on head? She a tidy bitch ?
  4. Them good ones imagine how good they could of been with out the mastiff in there ?
  5. Ebt crosses I think a lot of years ago, a few of the older boys especially in Ireland put them into there terriers (russels) maybe because of the colour but also because of a very good old dog with a name for him self over there... I been to Ireland an dug some of the older lads ebt x russels an yes they were out an out digging dogs but them dogs only had about 1/8 -16th ebt in them then, so they had already had the hard work done for them? Imo... the clever lads who have kept a good line of them an line bred the workers an done the right thing with the culls have still got somethig going an h
  6. Don't know about old school but she a russel an she works to ground which is all that matters
  7. Nice pup that gnipper and you sourced some good stuff ?
  8. Nice labs ️Haha that dog on left is out of my old lab bitch we was on about lol
  9. Loads I have won loads of bulldog shovels if Ya want them I don't dig lol
  10. Send me a personal message I can sort you raw food ?
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