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Everything posted by Macky

  1. You forgot to tell them kid We had 6 Tuesday night with that fox pro what big cubs
  2. i agree with you that the american calls do not work over here and tenterfeild fox whistle does not do well either and as for ianm you cant beat your hand for calling takes a while to master how many have you shot with fox pro wildfire in one night ianm
  3. There is nothing wrong with paired up dogs if you get the right combination ,what I mean is a good catch dog and a game dog that is not as fast ,to me that makes a good pair .if you get 2 dogs that are evenly matched in speed there is a good chance of accidents happening ,we have been out 1 night lamping with a dog that had a few seasons under its belt so we ran it with another dog and they where evenly matched in speed .the bales where out and the foxe called and as the dogs where running the other dog cut it off at the bale and the other dog ran straight into it and broke its neck .what I am
  4. please can you share your wisdom and knowledge on foxing to all of us as you seem to know alot about the job are you full of shit
  5. which do you prefer day time foxing? or night time foxing? personaly i prefer night time when you can use your lamping and calling skills when foxes are more alert and at their best i think foxes are more dopeier in the day time i dont think they use their senses as much as they do at night time especially when they are being flushed out of woods spinnies or when the feilds are just being cut and you are on a stand with your dog preban
  6. yes bosun it was at back of woodacres,i know them lads really well watched it before but watching it now does not half make me feel old but not as old as wilt
  7. use the clock method myself works well ,but in dry conditions where there is no tracks have found sand to be very helpful obviously just needs to be damp and smoothed over with a brush this will often tell you if a fox is coming in from gateways hedgerows or paths ,or identify any other animal with the footprints
  8. I desined these lamps over 25 years ago, 6 years ago i decided to put a dimmer on one of them. ive used these lamps for foxes and rabbits, i use two diffrent coloured filters a dark red and light red for darker nights and lighter nights.ive used other lamps but i find these are the best, but thats just my opinion. i use a 12v 7.0 amp.hr battery, i get 2 good nights lamping off one charge. basil brush came to my house and I showed him how to make one, only diffrence with his is he has a pretty print on it and he keeps it in a glass case lol
  9. that lamp is very deceiving ,I think you should change your name to the oracle and as for the three stooges wilt,basil brush and pip I would not show them a magpies nest especially basil brush so when basil finish,s my lamp does that make it a mark 3 you are geting one
  10. that lamp is very deceiving ,I think you should change your name to the oracle and as for the three stooges wilt,basil brush and pip I would not show them a magpies nest especially basil brush
  11. you shit stirring b***%*d
  12. thats road kill shit shot
  13. roy lupton amazing at fox calling you must be taking the piss you need to get out a lot more
  14. can you remember your first fox you caught with a lurcher (pre ban ) and what breed was it ?
  15. pre ban if you are running a dog at 9.10 month old november ,december ,january there is a good chance it will stash ,if you start a dog off june,july august where the foxes jaw power is not as strong if the youngster seems to hold back ,put it back on the bunnies and wait a bit longer till the dog has matured sometimes it is hard but it is better than having a stasher just learning from experience any dog can stash no matter what age ,was out with a friend of mine that had a dog that would do them single or doubled up had been out with the dog for 5 years you were guaranteed foxes ever tim
  16. havoc or punch,or even marley! who?
  17. also add to the list were Pyes brothers who some people did not here about Sam Bullseye Josh I did not see much of Josh but the 3 of them had hearts of lions. I then lined Otter to Bullseye, brother and sister mating, which produced Warlock and Frank who were good grafters, then lined Warlock to a pure Deerhound of B.G.'s in Liverpool
  18. Good for you.. Whatever suits, and your happy with.. hit deffo works for me,,,, give me the old lamp,, and the wind any day,,,,,has millet said all that high tec stuff , you get 1 run on a rabbit,, and then the lamps on any way,,,,, you wud get 1 run iff you go about hit the right way with out the high tec gear,,,,,and the ending wud be the same,,,,after ` 1 run on a bunny,,, but i wud not rule hit out for foxs,,, not that i have any interest in them,, its good for foxes mate
  19. i was just showing the stuff i use times have changed.
  20. alright pal the set up i have suits me fine its clear and i have plenty footage on dvd.
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