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Everything posted by vetnurse

  1. Are those men who say to hit it the same ones who give their wives a slap for looking at them "funny"? Its not about dominance, its about trust, the guy who said bend down and ADD feed to startwith is spot on!! I've never beaten my dogs but with a build up of trust i can take anything and everything off them, including all game. Try to get some professional help if you are really concerend about your kids (but training them will help too!!) DO NOT go to just anyone, try a qualified APDT trainer, many of them a really keen on working dogs because a decent trainer likes to see a dog happy i
  2. Drontal will NOT deal with giardia!! Has to be a course of panacur. Yoghurt can be helpful, as some people have said, but only use about a teaspoon full every day, too much can also cause diarrhoea, especially if he has trouble digesting dairy products. For the behaviour you describe at meal time it sounds like he's quite fixated on his food, i still think it would be worthwhile feeding your dogs totally seperately, where they cannot even see each other, he may then relax a bit, at least enough to give him time to chew!!!
  3. Try worming with a longer course of panacur, giardia is a parasite that is often overlooked, can be picked up from water courses and "foxy" areas. Needs 50mg per kg bodyweight, daily for 3 consecutive days. Some dog have dietary sensitivities, usually caused by gluten intolerance, so cut out all wheat/cereal products. Some highly strung dogs just have "fast" guts, where things move thro a bit too quick, is the dog kenneled with others?? If nothing else works, might try changing the living arrangements but try the simple things first!! Remember common things occur commonly, so always start
  4. Hello to all members, I've just joined and wanted to introduce myself. I come from a hunting/shooting/fishing background and i own a 10 year old lakeland - type terrier (not purebred i suspect!!) and a 4 month old lurcher pup. I am dedicated to our sports and also a fully quailfied and registered veterinary nurse. Some people find it difficult to accept that i am a hunting enthusiast and also committed to animal welfare, but i've never lost any sleep over it!! I'd like to offer some free and unbiased advise to other members, canine nutrition is a subject i have additional qualifications in, s
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