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Everything posted by albert64

  1. Great pics them, I go to formby there's supposed to be some there but I've never seen one
  2. If someone called lab gets in touch ignore him He knows jack shit about ferreting And even less about women Just get out there and find a small set and run your ferret through It'll soon Start doing what it's bred for
  3. I got rid of my hw100 when I bought my wolf because it just wasn't getting used And I loved my hw100, but the wolf is pinpoint accurate, I think they had trouble with early mags I've never had any with mine it loads effortlessly and is very very quiet
  4. Enjoy it mate, I love mine in .177, it's so accurate I use h&n ftt's in mine
  5. Brilliant that mate, he's got something to focus on now, you'll be mytherd to death
  6. You look like the dad out of Friday night dinner
  7. Get in touch with bird off here he's got a cracking half x
  8. Who the f**k puts hash browns on a sandwich
  9. Half beardie cross from Hancock, she was a very headstrong bitch
  10. Familiar with leylandI and most but not the ornamental garden ones could be a Lawson type also thanks I'll look into them Watch you don't poke yourself in the eye
  11. Good luck lads, hope the fish are biting, I'll try and get there myself next year
  12. He looks a bonny lad now, my dad was 2lb when he was born He's now but you wouldn't think it
  13. Go for it they'll have all the information you need
  14. Great pics them pups are looking well, that mario's a strong dog
  15. I've been off my crutches a few wks now, but the rods were going stir crazy not getting out on there normal walks
  16. Big cat been spotted in Cornwall, police have found paw prints, I think it's tomo's and he's took it on holiday with him
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