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Everything posted by albert64

  1. f**k that I cry like a girl if the ferret latches on
  2. I wouldn't put a warning sign up about a dog, if they can't see or hear the f***ing thing there's something wrong
  3. albert64


    I thought they were shite
  4. If I leave my nets in the back of the van until I go out next time they will be tangled sliding around. They also tangle around the rabbit...I know you only use trad nets. If a net is hanked up please tell me how it can tangle? Each loop on the pin is set in sequence then they are tied in place. True it is possible for the loops to pass through each other but because the loop is anchored in place at the root of the loop they will just pull out. Unless of course it is hanked wrongly. To be pedantic they do not tangle a rabbit they enmesh it TC Rabbits are only enmeshed if you have that
  5. Them bull/ cockers look strong mate all in good nick aswell
  6. Great to see, used to keep them when I was a kid
  7. There's a book about the first sas men called the Guinea pigs,
  8. Met up with a mate of mine today his father in law died a few wks ago he was 99yrs Oldham he was one of the 1st sas men, 6 serving paras carried him into the church
  9. Throw a few lucazade bottles full off gloss on his drive then leave it a week and rap the door for your money
  10. It helps if you can send your dog on, it's normally the dog there after
  11. Been out twice have a look see whats about for the season ahead and bag a few bunnys for the ferrets. Dogs were lame for a few days would hardly say it was bust feet just a bit sore.Oh that's alright then Thanks for the approval means a lot. Your welcome, your dog not mine do as you please you seem to know best
  12. I take my daughter with me when I'm walking the dogs, cos she takes her chuhuahua with me, I always have a big flat headed screw driver in my pocket as I've usually just finished work, and always grab the ferreting bar, she used to ask dad why do you always walk with the piece of metal, I used to say it just makes walking easier, until one day when a big hairy arsed German shepherd tried to kill her chuhuahua, unfortunately she had to witness a dog getting the beating of its life and a f***ing idiotic woman screaming I'm killing her dog, so now she knows what the bars for I just hope she's nev
  13. Been out twice have a look see whats about for the season ahead and bag a few bunnys for the ferrets. Dogs were lame for a few days would hardly say it was bust feet just a bit sore. Oh that's alright then
  14. Never found them to be a problem, done my mates the other Sunday 4 wardrobes started at 8 we were in the pub at 12-30
  15. Get the catty out that'll put a stop to that
  16. I'd start at where you bought the cupboards mate
  17. Yes it's the dispatching of the bunnies that I'm most apprehensive about the rest I'm happy to have a go and work out myself with practice. get a big hunting knife (the bigger the better) and shiv the rabbit a few times all frenzied like But seriously if you can't dispatch a rabbit like that then you're in the wrong game love and I'd suggest taking up one of the more gentler/gay country sports such as Morris dancing or driven shooting Carefull mushy you've already been filled in by one bird
  18. Petrol works wonders
  19. I always practice my long shots when I get the chance Had rabbits at 72 yds and regularly take maggies at 67 yds Obviously conditions have to be right otherwise it ain't worth taking the shot
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