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Everything posted by albert64

  1. looking at a lot of posts on here august/september and only when its dark when we all know its a january morning with one dog
  2. i bet she,s not joking
  3. at least we know she can touch the floor so she,d have no trouble picking the dog shit up
  4. are you using shavings from a woodyard/joiners shop if you are its more likely to be your problem always use bailed shavings only about 8 quid lasts you months
  5. hiya mate could you give me a price for the red in 4ft cheers albert
  6. keep a stapler, terramycin spray, antiseptic wipes, amoxicillin, golden eye and wraps etc had to use them plenty of times over the years
  7. parenting class might be worth a try
  8. never had this problem always get them at as a pup as unfit says good dogs are made not bought
  9. albert64


    there aint no black in the union jack
  10. i,ve been digging holes all over the back garden just to keep in practice
  11. so you are new to the site are you ? wasnt you called (VALLEY LAD )a few weeks ago ? sniff sniff yes thats valley lad slagging lampers while he,s lamping summer hares
  12. get in a routine with your pup make it sleep in its crate it wont be able to wreak havoc when its naughty put it in its crate walk it before its bed time there like kids they need routine praise when good chastisement when naughty but dont hit it some lurchers are very sensitive good luck
  13. as its the school holidays and me being a big kid i,ve decided to join in a water fight with the paki kids next door, soon as the kettles boiled i,m out there
  14. it was nice of you to show me my new permission you mad fool would,nt get me up there
  15. trevor moved to south wales dave is having a holiday care of her majesty
  16. used innotek collars worked a treat it was a hunt terrier lad that put me onto them cured his problem
  17. they would have got a stroke with the bar
  18. that reminds me i must get a chicken
  19. shoe,s shoe,s and more shoe,s never mine always the wife,s we were going to a fortieth last weekend so she,s out with all the outfit,s and matching shoe,s many hours later she says just got to put my shoe,s on love have you moved them thought oh sht looks outside the bastrds got them in a thousand piece,s did,nt go down to well
  20. used it on mine mate did the block work as well swill it down go over it with disinfectant still like brand new
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