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12 gauge

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Everything posted by 12 gauge

  1. i felt something wiggling in her belly two days ago, she looks like shes got at least 5 in there
  2. i got one breeding in the making, but not sure if she took. both the staff and jack i bred are working dogs. i'm hoping the pups do the parents justice
  3. nice looking pups. i just bred beginning of october a sbt to a jack, looking to keeping 3/4 jack , 1/4 sbt lets see how they turn out
  4. yes you're right, i just had a very nice young prospect got coonhound paralysis
  5. Thanks J for your help. I hope I can get something worth having in the future, since I've been left with this bitter taste in my mouth. I love working terriers with grit, determination and decent nose
  6. i thought id help with the confusion of the terms, im not instigating nor teaching, no need to bow down but thanks for being humble
  7. pm sent Jawn, thanks for your time. Gameness is only proven in a box by two dogs face to face, the one(s) that cross the line anytime and everytime is deemed to be called game. earth work requires grit not gameness
  8. if this fella is not that hard to get a hold of, i wouldn't mind talking to him about this dog and his future plans. thanks
  9. i get what you're saying, and that's the reason why i asked. people talk about how good their parents are and they want 350 bucks, some others say the same and they want a 1000. just wanted to have an idea, no big deal. i had two for free from a supposedly famous working stud and they were both given every opportunity to prove themselves yet they both were given the dirty nap. one quit on a simple coon, the other wouldn't work if you put a bullet in the head. even if i go and see the parents theres no guarantee the pups will work out
  10. what's a fair price for a jagd pup from working stock in the US?
  11. when you feed and work them and so on till you can no more from old age. hopefully some legit people will take over then its their line
  12. WB to be honest i dunno the exact age but the 1st one has been hunted this year but I had no luck just possums, plus busy at work. the 2nd one time will tell if he makes me happy. they've both been worked before i got them but i gotta see it myself
  13. rapparee staff blood in them uru to a patterdale produced coalpool black bill then sent to oklahoma. got pics of the mating and all but not sure if the owner is ok with me sharing them. good rough and intelligent patt x's that black ice threw, in fact there are still dogs off his offspring working bred back to gould patts for years now. m&m had some good results with this blood in the past it's what i understand.
  14. his name was coalpool black bill, not black ice bill, his name was later changed to mccoy's grip, if we are discussing the same dog that is
  15. he was bred by a friend in the black country uk and his offspring ended up in oklahoma, if i remember right he had a good amount of stafford in him
  16. Never a truer word spoken. i assume both of you ladies know me and my dogs very well. how about a nice cup of shut the fukc up. you think you know it all. i wouldnt wipe my posterior with that so call next best thing patterdale of you two or whatever breed of dog you own. i have not seen a dog impressed me from any of you. i can throw some blood on my dogs face and say they are beasts like you all like to do too often on these threads. put your dikcs back in your pants and stop playing and touching eachother. my pure stafford is my big earthdog, you dont like it keep it to yourself, i'm n
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