Me and nighteyes had a outings with the ferrets... more to dust of the gear and get the ferrets started again . The morning started of slow .then things picked up ...end results Thanks for looking atb
And your going to get lot of rain,,,,,,,its heading your way,,,,,,rained here 1 0' clock today not long stopped,,,,,heavy rain.......
Pissing down here now be out tonight to try the pup on a few...atb
Couldn't agree more,Years ago lamped with a half bred terrier cross , no speed to talk about , worst feet I've ever seen and a short little terrier tail on it but game as f**k , caught most in or around the hedge ,
Wouldn't have swapped her for any fleet footed speed merchant
A dog will find a way of catching to suit it's attributes if you throw enough work at it ,
Hmmm, I get what you're saying, but I disagree. In 90% of the places where we're from, unless you've got a 'fast' type, you're going home empty handed, day or night. Not wishing to argue, just saying as it is, and always has be
look like he will be able to shift mate.atb mud
Cheers mate your dog looks like he knows his job ... Somtimes he's speed overtakes he's brain ... When it click he will do all right atb
If he is chasing that much gear in the day .. I can't understand why your holding him back on the may aswell start the pup at least he may have a better chance of catching in the lamp atb
Me and my mates
Deer grey.x beddy whip grey 8 1/2 year old
Saluki bull grey. 10 month old
Saluki collie grey. 3 or 4 year Old
3/8 5/8 collie grey 6year old
Collie bull grey. 5year old
Line bred saluki x grey 3 or 4 year old
Make it £2000 il bring my..springerbull
f**k this game on
Tonight it is then...
not tonight I am washing my hair
What pubic ....
nar man just whip that off lol
I heard men with little dicks do this to make it look