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look up

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Everything posted by look up

  1. There's a few on Facebook mate. ...
  2. Will ad pic tomorrow ....
  3. I suppose every one panic on there first poaching experiance ............atb
  4. I though it was part 1and part 2 going for it .
  5. Price drop £475 posted £450 collected atb
  6. Trial before handing over the money On the gear you want it for. Then no problems no money wasted not another dog past around again . Simple atb
  7. I have a air arms s510 sl 177 cal full hd reel tree hard woods shop done 1mag very nice gun Will put some pics up lata. Hawk 3'9"40 milo dot and strap will ad pics later Suffolk
  8. you would of seen the marks on them. to tell if they have worked a lot of fox in there career single handed,,.it should of made your mind up there and then mate .
  9. never had one myself ,but the thing is,if you want a 3/4 ,1/2 ,5/8 collie cross thats what you get .people say get worker to worker its ok if you no the person and seen the dogs run.but of a stranger unless you seen both parents run they might be a heap, jacker .you see people on here moaning there dog has not made the size ,build ,length ect,.because people are not honest anymore ,like bullx /saluki x theres so many big names out there which people can easly use to sell pups.and then wonder why your dogs not doing what you want it to, cos it was ROBS] old mutt from round the corner .the thi
  10. be nice to see a pic of the pup mate,to see what sort of size he is ,spoke to d&n a few times very nice bloke and very helpful.
  11. nice looking thing mate ,should make a lovely little rabbiting dog ,atb
  12. heres a pup mate 4month old now coming on well.atb
  13. for a dog thats fed on bounce once a day and not walked, looks fit to me mate .atb
  14. bull x grey mate what tts is your pup ,nice looking thing, yours should be a good alrounder .
  15. had mine out for the first time yesterday ,he loved it ,4 month old and 18tts
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