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look up

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Everything posted by look up

  1. I dont think the t.shirt will be coming of next summer....ha ha
  2. Any one use one or no of anyone pm me the number many thanks
  3. Before I even got a running dog I made sure I had permission to run it on....to me it's like buying a car and not have a licence ..you will get tugged ..with permission you can get away with a bit of poaching as long as you don't stray to far ..as you always have a excuse for being about then ..at the end of the day the law was broke and there's f.ck all any one can do about it .hope it goes well..atb
  4. Hi mate were do you shoot in Ipswich.
  5. I reckon the rabbits are made of glass...as I have never came across a rabbit that been smashed new to me...
  6. Like or lump it mate I say ....you got a 10month old ..put it on a chain what else do you think is going to happen ..dogs and pups need braking in slowly and time to adjust..the pup has propley been all though the water ..shouting at ect as a puppy ..I say let in the kitchen in a crate ..put on the chain in the day and slowly bring it in later and later each week and before you no it ..it out side all night ..it will be alote less hassle then the council ...atb
  7. Don't think there's many lads from Mexico on here mate
  8. Nice to see pics of old red getting caught ...and a pup doing its job ..best thing ever when a pup comes together ..atb
  9. At 12month old.. it will be up for stud or for sale ..one of the two no doubt ....
  10. They all had 50 runs..so to me all the same fitness ..
  11. it gets more like groundhog day every week Think the lad was looking for advice on sgbs ....
  12. With a hedge strimmer beside me ..I think I would have a face like that and think f,ck that...... atb with the nail trimming ...my dogs hate it as well mate...
  13. you got any up to date pics of yours mate ? think ive got a litter sister to yoursWill take some tonight when I have him out...you have any mate .Mine is 25 1/2 tts bring rabbit back to hand(not alive) work long crop like a springer /nose like a lab/ feet spot on . Recall bang on...so looking good so far ..and very game..so can't wait for the fields to get cut and away we go mate
  14. Be nice to see a bull x topic not seen one for a long time..
  15. Pups shaping up well mate..keep the pics coming ..it's your topic do as you like..atb
  16. You think gsd is in there ...I would think there's a lot ...specsavers.come to mind. Atb with the dog
  17. Nice looking pup..should have some fun with him..atb were in Suffolk you from.
  18. Started my pup at 11month old . Just before the fields got to high...had about four outings ...goes down the beam well ......ready for the harvest now.. The thing I find when starting a pup lamping ...you slip pup.. the rabbit jumps up .the pup goes one way the rabbit goes the other way and your the one chasing the rabbit with the lamp lol some pups it just click within a few nights some take long .and some are write wankers... If I was you and the pup has not Seen nothing I'd weight for a good night in the harvest and work from there...it won't take long for you and the pup to no
  19. Risking your dog to prove appoint ....a rabbit get up in the wrong place... that will cost you ..atb
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