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Everything posted by patterdalejoel

  1. yeah we just went out for a bit of fun really, i didnt expect too much but i was quite pleased. but she is half terrier and always will be, so the want to hunt up to a certain degree will always be there i think, especially as thats what shes been encouraged to do for 2 years ferreting. shes no lamp dog but gives us a some cracking sport. cant beat it
  2. we decided to take the dog out for a couple of hours on the quad... fairly rough ground it was she done well im chuffed never lamped her before i think she has done well. she is about 2 and hunted up quite a lot at first as she missed her first, but soon learnt to come back to the bike if she missed. 16 inch to the shoulder, not your typical lamper eh!
  3. a bit late but..f**k off you jammy set of b*****ds!
  4. did you shoot him or stun him before sticking him? done lambs but never pigs/ well done
  5. i caught a healthy one the other day on my way to feed sheep. it was healthy but had a huge abcess/cancer on its back leg leaving it unable to move. so i necked it for the ferrets and drove on
  6. shoot it in the head, slit its throat, hang it up and skin it. simples
  7. nice. i think mine took all the ugly parts of the beddy whippet cross and yours took all the best!
  8. i think one of them coursing saluki grey racy type bitches under a proper collie would be a right dog.
  9. another silly question....does it matter what breed or type the hen is? does it make a difference or is it just a bit of a preference to what shape you like your mules?
  10. get to f**k you skirt wearing scotting b*****ds!
  11. scotland: land of the drunk, wife beater, string vest, and shite football lol
  12. i like the jokes about how the team who wins the scottish prem has to play about 4 qualifiying matches to get into the CL, whereas the top 4 teams in england are automatically in. just spells out how much of a joke scottish football is considered as being lol
  13. because you know your football leagues mean something and arent a joke like the scottish leagues??? Lol
  14. i dont get it? so the doo flys round to attract pigeons? but only other doos? what if a load of feral pigeons come in or somethin?
  15. what ways she bred jb? She's bred out of 2 Hancocks mate. she's nice ......... my own merle is out of a hancock bitch , shame there not much kop in the field but least there nice to look at whats the sire to yours chid? im guessing you meant that chocolate merle rough coated dog you put up? he is a brindle merle was dark when i took the pic he is by a 5/8 grey 3/8 bull what height is he chid?
  16. what ways she bred jb? She's bred out of 2 Hancocks mate. she's nice ......... my own merle is out of a hancock bitch , shame there not much kop in the field but least there nice to look at whats the sire to yours chid? im guessing you meant that chocolate merle rough coated dog you put up?
  17. whats the one with saluki in it like compared to the beddy types? tried sending you a pm must be full cleared now mate
  18. love that pair in the car, what height are they? and what height is the acd x grew?
  19. whats the one with saluki in it like compared to the beddy types?
  20. "when 'quantity' meant nowt,..and quality,..combined with good craic,.. was the order of the day. " absolutely spot on.
  21. think that bottom one was mine at a glance, scenery is even the same. what height is he? hes beddy whip x saluki grey isnt he?
  22. aye whippet mother bedlington dad. just need a nice collie grey in a few years to cover her and im sorted
  23. wayyyy! she may not be the best but shes the most featured on here so i win.
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