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Everything posted by patterdalejoel

  1. do you not think a tail is breed dependant? an asil should have tail pointed towards the ground no matter wether pullet or cock, wheras some thais have pointed tails wether pullet or cock
  2. first is stag second is hen fourth is hen last who knows.... look at saddle and hackle feathers, pullets will be rounded cocks will be pointy and shiny, catch the light. cocks heads will be redder also. you will only learn through experience.
  3. Apparently the atmosphere at Blackburn matches is brilliant and everybody knows each other. I suppose that's one advantage of inbreeding

    1. PIL


      Could say the same about Swindon . Lol

    2. pip1968


      the everton supporters were saying that last week lol

  4. make one outta blocks and skim it with concrete. can do it exactly as you want then
  5. well....clingfilm is only a couple of quid in Tesco, and it's open 24 hours I take it your separation didn't go too well then Rob (190364) Cheers, D. PS I left Lancashire in 1992 with a Transit van, a tea chest of books, another one of stuffed animals and £500. Never looked back - life is what you make it. And the kids will get the house eventually anyway Cheers, D. ye fcuk off down south ya dirty b*****d rover!
  6. how much thai in them? that pullet has got an awfully high tail in my opinion
  7. courtnix is species really, like you can get bobwhite quail and chinese painted quail. then in courtnix u get different varieties, such as italian which are a lighter colour or tuxedo, which have a white bib. but you want courtnix, or you can get jumbo courtnix which are obviously bigger but i wouldnt bother, just to start id get some eggs and hatch em. if you buy them you want them as chicks or it isnt worth doing lol as it only takes 6 weeks till they grow. good luck.
  8. all them 3 in the pic are pullets mate i will bet you my own bollocks. pretty things they are
  9. if i may ask what is the bitches breeding?
  10. courtnix. can kill em at 6 week + depending on how you like them, and chick crumb is what i used
  11. dont be having them eating eggs like in the pic or they wont stop!
  12. in winter when ferreting on the quad my bitch refuses to sit on the quad mostly so she goes ferreting and running beside the quad. i wouldnt be suprised that with all the land we cover and the courses/hunting up she does that she wont run 10+ mile a day. by january she has back legs like solid steel. we'd be f****d if we didnt use a quad in some places, as we cover miles and you'd have to be an athlete to cover the ground while carrying all the gear.
  13. my dog caught 2 unintentional rabbits yesterday afternoon, the course nearly killed the little b*****d in this heat.
  14. im shouting at the lazy b*****ds on benefits on bbc1, f**k the hebrides
  15. has he been scratching at the wire
  16. i got a patch ive ferreted twice this summer upon request and there is still shitloads there.
  17. cull the badgers and the anti, this country needs to grow a set of balls, oh a few antis are upset so lets stop, if this was australia they would be paying people by the badger tail and giving out free poison!
  18. so it definetly works then before i splash out? the birds are all clear? does it worm the birds also?
  19. yeah all her siblings were varying shades of grey/black. who knows what other breeds of terrier could of been in the bedlington way back and just sprung up.
  20. how did the ivermectin work out then? has it worked, went well/badly?
  21. she will be 2 in december. cheers for replies
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