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Everything posted by zak-s410

  1. it was done by a guy called paul hamblett, he did an article earlier in the year in airgun world me tinks! i got in contact with him and he did it for £150.00 so was pleased with that. regards davy great write up mate that hw100 looks the dogs how would you compare it to the AAS410? atb zak
  2. nice shooting, love the thwack lol bagged my first maggie the other day so happy lol atb zak
  3. thanks lads for all the info you have all given. :thumbs: i want one for shooting long range rabbits, foxes, and crows. I also got quite a fair bit of permission for foxes. il keep you all posted on how it goes. thanks lads zak.
  4. right lads im going to apply for an fac. I dont really know alot about bullet guns. iv had airguns since i could pick one up tho. could anyone give me an idea of what gun i should think about getting? iv looked at a Remington vl ss Thumbhole .223 on this website and it looked the dogs. Is this a gun i should be looking at as a beginner or should i look at different gun regards zak.
  5. i watched all your vid's on youtube mate ad that olympic gymnast you shot was awsome lol let me know when that dvd is ready il defo buy one atb zak.
  6. you boys do awsome on these rats dont ya we did a little bit last night and we cant wait 2 go again next week so we can get some tidy pictures atb zak
  7. nice write up mate and i like the pics through the scope. atb zak
  8. get a second hand s400 and get it converted to multi shot at http://www.rowanengineering.com/ i saw this in one of the mags recently cheep gun if i didnt already have an AA s410 thats what i would do atb zak.
  9. i may try this bunny kit out lmao atb zak
  10. There you go, cash only buddy Well you never said it had to be dead did ya? Phantom PMSL!! nice one phantom lol yeah it gotta be dead lads lol atb zak
  11. awsome more sport for everyone lol lets go hunting atb lads (first pic of one £20 off me) zak.
  12. nice write up. yeah maybe the missing rabbit was playing dead then done one when you wernt looking lol atb zak.
  13. great write up mate. think im gonna try 2 get some permission at my local grave yard, there used to be quite a few bunny's bouncing about there. who would i have to get in touch with tho would it be the council or someone who looks after the cemetary? atb zak
  14. i wish my misses would come out with me shooting. she called me rotten when she saw me skinning a rabbit. she wanna grow up eh. atb zak
  15. not a silly question at all zac.yes i've seen it many times,a rat jump or sidestep a pellet.more so a .22 than a .177 which moves faster. i tried the much talked about .25 for ratting but sharp god rid.unless REALLY close range a rat can avoid these like the plague.in my opinion people who recomend .25 for ratting haven't done much. i'm talking here in the context of sub 12ft lb here. cheers mate. i havent really done much ratting, so thats good to know. im gonna have to get into ratting after seein these pics tho. atb boys zak.
  16. you boys dont mind a bit of rat bashing do you also i wanna know is it true that rats can jump pellets? sort of a reflex move lol this maybe a silly question but my mate says its true lol atb lads and keep bashing zak.
  17. nice shooting fellas gonna try and bag a few of them dirty little tree rats on saturday atb zak.
  18. i need some permission like you lol anyway nice shooting mate atb zak.
  19. awesome mate gotta start em when they are young atb zak.
  20. nice shooting mate. like the look of tha s200 atb zak.
  21. nice shooting mate! cant wait 2 get back from hollidays an pop a few lol atb zak.
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