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Everything posted by NOOK/ANNA

  1. Any you guys working dogs of Middleton lines? How they work Hard/Bayers and any pics would be good thanks.
  2. Take your time an get a bond built up with her 1st pal before you start any serious training everything should be a game at this age. This can involve simple games or by just the 2 of you sitting in each others company alone. I find with timid pups your better letting them come to you at 1st. I find it's easier to do this by getting to their down eye level. Lying on floor stuff like that you might feel stupid but pups love this and i bet she will come out of her shell alot quicker. An with training you can make it part of your everyday routine like sit for feeding time is an easy one. I Don't
  3. Seen 7 while out lamping last week. Think its because they are out and about looking to pair up to mate.
  4. I usually stop once i catch my 1st milky doe. Stop trying for hares at start of march and foxes end off same month. Don't see the point in ruining next years sport. I have pup this year 12 months in march but still wont be starting him until august/september time. End of day 1 pregnant doe left equals a lot more squatters and easy runs for him when he does start.
  5. I personally would never keep a dog just for fox. I think a dog has to be able to take a variety of quarry and rabbits make up the majority for me. Saying that some nights i would go out just for a fox or two and wouldn't run a rabbit. But i think a dog that is run at rabbits regularly will be more the sharper on the run and turn than a dog that is just run solely on foxes. Which can only increase your catch rate on charlie as he is not that easy to catch as is made out to be.
  6. Just in myself got 5 rabbits with my wee bitch. Had a run on charlie but lost him over a dip .
  7. I run them with collar on. As i just slip lead through it to make slip. An i also find it offers protection to neck when doing things that bite back.
  8. Very nice pal. What way are they bred?
  9. At the shows i think a working dog stands a fair chance against just show dogs. But i think the lure coursing has been took over with people breeding dogs just for this purpose. A uncle of mine was at a fair last year and over heard a lady saying that she took her 3/4 Grey 1/4 Whippet bitch to a top greyhound stud just so she could win a few races at fairs. Imo why not just take up Greyhound racing and let it just be a bit of fun for people in off season.
  10. Started with Bull x bitch , she has done well for her 1st season just got her retrieving spot on past few weeks. An have Wheaten/Bull/Grey pup for starting next season. Will be sticking with these 2.
  11. Fox Call UK do a good fox call think its about £10-£15. I find it is a good long to medium distance call as it can be quite hard to get a small squeak out of it. Also the acme Widgeon/Fox whistle is a good all round caller which cost about £5 to have in your pocket as I've found it a good caller to coax a fox in those last few yards.
  12. Working ability i can't comment on yet as i haven't seen one working yet! But hopefully there good as i have a pup bred that way. Seen Wheaten/Greys work and have to say they give you everything a bull cross does but have a slightly better running style if that makes sense? All my Bull crosses where plodders, you would think it was a horse coming up field where as my wheaten pup seems to glide when running making hardly any noise. The other most obvious thing they give you over a bull cross is the coat which is excellent. My Wheaten/Bull/Grey pup took to sleeping outside in snow over Xmas. T
  13. Nice looking pup you have there mate.
  14. My bitch is doing well for her 1st season. Had a loada rabbits and long ear and a fox doubled up. Good for just over 17 months well pleased with her.
  15. Alright guys my old pair of nail clippers have seen better days. So is just wondering what is the best set of clippers on the market to buy at the min?
  16. Just back in myself. My we bitch caught 3 not bad for ground we where running.
  17. Went of with my we 5/8 Grey 3/8 Bull bitch, bagged 8 in all. Could of had more but the battery went dead .
  18. Went out for a look myself last night mate. Walked in to 1st field and it was like concrete so came straight home. You learn from your mistakes bud if ground not right then don't run on it. You will know the next time. An i don't think it would have mattered what type of feet your dog had. There still would of been a good chance of it getting hurt unless it was wearing steel top cap boots.
  19. Have to say i agree 100%. A bit of land I've hunted for almost 15 years now always had a good rabbit population on it. But this past season has been dire as a few guys have got permission to shoot over it. Never seen it as bad . An it has to be why because land just few miles up on each side of it are still holding good numbers where they aren't aloud to shoot.
  20. I'd wait a couple of days if i was you before dosing him again. And as said above give the tabs with a light meal.
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