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Everything posted by NOOK/ANNA

  1. Makes no difference at all what colour your dog is mate. My wee bitch is white and i can't say it's hampered her. Here's a pic of her after a nights lamping with 13 in the bag.
  2. He's looking well mate. Some change from last time i seen him.
  3. Alright folks just wondering what methods or routines yous guys use for fleaing your animals? Not looking for the obvious Spot-on treatments, tablets, collars etc.... Just wanting to know if there is anything else out there that does the job.
  4. Yes mate no need to worry. Anything from 6 months onwards depending on breed is normal. Smaller breeds seem to mature faster than big breeds So usually have there seasons younger and at more regular intervals.
  5. Nice looking dog. What way's it bred?
  6. Pic of my wee Bull X 23TTS bitch after a night out. Done well for her 1st season taking r,h,f.
  7. Nice strong looking pups mate. I Have dog pup 11 months same cross.
  8. My Wheaten/Bull/Grey pup 11 half months .
  9. I personally like racey bull X's. Had both and this type suits the type of hunting i do more.
  10. Started this wee bull X bitch this season. Well pleased with her.
  11. Yes mate def will should be good craic.
  12. Seen pic of your bitch mate she's really nice. How big is she?
  13. She's just under 15tts mate and just spannable.
  14. There's a pic of that we bitch mate.
  15. Hopefully you've learnt your lesson mate. Atb
  16. Just passed my driving test. :-)

    1. tb25


      well done lad

    2. lksopener


      Well done, great achievement!

    3. judge2010


      i failed my last test in september think i will go on those 4day courses in blackpool

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