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Everything posted by NOOK/ANNA

  1. Wouldn't go near it if i was you pal. Has scam written all over it.
  2. Give it a good wash out with salted water to make sure its clean and there is no debris inside it. You can use a syringe to get the water in to it easier. An once that's done as long as its not bleeding it should heal up OK. Just keep an eye on it in case it gets infected but it should be OK.
  3. I wouldn't start him now if i was you pal. There's to many thing that could go wrong by starting him to young that might end up ruining a good dog. Hold him back for the sake of a few months when he will be more mentally an physically mature to handle the job. And the season's over anyway you'll just be ruining you own sport killing young-ins.
  4. Height should be just the right size for rabbits.More than likely he'll make something in between the sire and dam.
  5. The tools and paint comes out for any maintenance work on the kennels and runs. Then enjoy spot of fishing and BBQ. An world cup help me get over summer blues to.
  6. Well done pal. Always nice to see a young pup coming on well.
  7. I know what your saying mate i do some pest control on few farms myself and i would try to get the numbers well down as much as i could. But i would never go to an extent that i would wipe every single thing out and any of the farms i visit the farmers have the same view they don't like blighters but they don't want their to be none at all at the same time.
  8. After reading few topics on here past few weeks about when the hunting season finishes i was surprised that people even to ask why?! I was taught to hunt an work dogs by my late grandfather and his friends an we where always brought up to respect what ever we hunted for sport and pest control. Why is it then people still hunt when the seasons over an people on this site praise them for it? I don,t mean for pest control i understand this has to be undertook all year round in certain circumstances . But mean the pointless killing of pregnant or young animals in the name sport is actually ru
  9. As above wouldn't worry to much about it if its not ripped or bleeding. You should keep an eye on it next time you go out tho as sometimes after they catch it once it usually happens again. It happened to a bitch of mine before an kept happening everytime she hit heavy cover. Bit of vet wrap around it before you go out can help but i found taking them off does them no harm to their performance.
  10. I wouldn't use a whippet as a dog for regular fox work something a bit bigger would be more suited. No doubt that there might be the odd few about that are capable but these are probably an exception to the norm.
  11. Because round this time or year is the start of the breeding season for most animals. An you just end up catching young or pregnant animals which if left until they are older provide better sport. At the end of the day i personally don't go out to eradicate animals from particular areas as this would leave me nowhere to hunt. If i thought a place i would hunt was getting very thin on the ground i would ease up until the population picked up again.
  12. We usually end are hunting season 1st of march. Unless asked by a farmer to do a bit of pest control. When do you stop?
  13. I wouldn't start her off just yet pal if i was you. She's still a bit young to be doing anything in my eyes. I'm bring a pup on at the min around the same age as yours an i know it can be tempting at times to just want to get stuck in. But it can do more harm than good to a young pup as she wont be fully developed mentally an physically. Just stick at the basics for the time being an she should be ready to go when the season starts in september.
  14. Couldn't see it catching on. You'd just be running your dog to the point of exhaustion an the hare to. If your dog can't catch it then there's no point running it in my mind.
  15. Nice strong looking dogs you have their mate.
  17. These 2 are just as hard to see at night than any other dogs i've had.
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