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Everything posted by NOOK/ANNA

  1. What way is he bred and how many good working seasons has he done?
  2. Sorry to say the country's full off like that mate. Don't care where an when they hunt as long as they catch something.
  3. Priceless Good to see all these politicians getting shown in there true light for once.
  4. Can't find them pal. Are you selling them? What is ths cross lke?
  5. Has any owned or worked a first cross aierdale x greyhound? What are they like and any pics?
  6. Give it time mate. It's still a pup at that age it's just playing. Wait few months until season starts a try it then.
  7. Not being funny bud, but its folk like you that are the reason we CANT do anything. Make the effort and chap some doors, you cant spit the dummy out the pram for getting hassle for being somewhere you shouldnt. Common sense prevails. Just my opinion though. FTB
  8. Have to agree with stabba. Tried one of those bulbs from maplin once and never again. Through a terrible spot and wasn't a nice crisp white like you get with an osram bulb.
  9. Got them mate thanks. Have to make ourselves be heard.
  10. Couldn't get the link for the templates to work mate. Antis are a joke
  11. I wouldn't worry to much about her fitness for the season ahead yet mate. Just let her be a pup, at that age they usually full of energy an keep themselves active enough. I usually don't start serious fitness work until early july. I find this gives plenty of time to get them fit for season ahead.
  12. Best of luck. Hope you find them pal.
  13. Keep at it as it sounds as tho he's just used to using his nose with hunting during the day. Which is not a bad thing in a lurcher if you like mooching about during the day but can be a major fault in a lamping dog as he will continue to use his nose when he's out at night as he knows no different. If i was you id take him out with another dog to let him see what the lamp is all about. If you don't have another dog then wait to near the start of season and take him out on some 3/4 size rabbits as these tend to be easier to get close to an most of the time squat at the end of your beam. I would
  14. Has happened to me quite a few times. Think the foxes know what where at tho cause they never seem to come in when called. A aul boy i used to know said that he used to have one follow him few fields back when he was out doing bit of pest control with the shotgun. Mus-ta caught on that it would get a free lunch as he would always leave few crows lying where they where shot for it.
  15. Never seen their DVD or seen their dogs run but think £350 a for stud fee is bit steep.
  16. Great piece of kit had one for few seasons and never had a problem with it. Changed to a lightforce striker last season and have had nothing but problems with it. So will be moving back to clulite again for next season.
  17. This is 2 where bringing on for next season.5/8 GREY 3/8 BULL Know quite a lot of guys that run bull X's but we try keep our dogs among ourselves.
  18. Just don't think its good test of a dog running cubs doesn't take a good dog to do them. So if you give someone encouragement to kill 1 then every newcomer to the sport will think its OK to do the same. An their won't be anything for rest of us to hunt when season starts. Seen plenty of places hunted out with bad dogs through the summer and when its a windy, rainy November night they say its to wet and cold to hunt with their dogs!
  19. Nothing wrong taking a cub with a pup to start it out. But the last week of august is usually time enough to start cub hunting. Far to early in year to even be thinking about doing it now. Just sum people take them all through the summer thinking their great. Then time comes when season starts they complain they have nothing to hunt around there area.
  20. Some of yous guys for real? Give the things a bloody chance before you start hunting them again.No sport in lamping cubs.Just sum people trying to make bad dogs look good in my eyes.
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