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Everything posted by jasper-kills

  1. Oh yeh can you buy good slingshots there cause I want a good 1
  2. I'll take like £150 maybe more from b day money and get loads of stuff Is there loads of stalls and shops there yeh
  3. I know I thought I caught it on the bottom and it was stuck LOL very good day that was
  4. Nice dog you got there mate hope it all goes well with her or him All the best Jasper
  5. That's a nice catch mate I caught a 19 pound carp on the fly and I used a goldhead aswell It took me like 30 mins 2 get it in like Anyway nice catch and all the best mate Jasper
  6. Yeh I'll hop in with you yeh and maybe we camp up there
  7. I'm going to pick some slows to moz Looks nice 2 make 2 Jasper
  8. I'm defo going to the next one alot of my mates say it's awsome
  9. Luke I think your mother jill is loosing some hair ask jim he seen it aswell
  10. Luke I think the mother jill is loosingbhair mate ask jim
  11. Jim he leeks repeating me doesn't he LOL retard
  12. That's gutting mate Ive heared alot about ferts loosing hair lately aswell All the best Jasper
  13. i like all of those courts guys they are awsome and good ideas aswell
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