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Everything posted by jasper-kills

  1. for bedding i use loads of shredded paper and for the run i use woodshavings ive had my ferret for about 2 months now and only had 1 tick and that was in the first week i was thinking about using hay for the bedding but i dont no just incase it will bring ticks jasper.
  2. yeh it will be good with nikie and jasper again
  3. cracking pics off jasper and nikki jasper is the terrier and nikki is the lab
  4. all the best on the new ferret mate jasper
  5. lovely look dogs you got mate jasper:)
  6. its a awsome site mate im quite new aswell anyway welcome jasper
  7. is chudley dog food some people say they are quite good for ferts jasper
  8. guys i havent got the jill ive got one of his other ferts now (the jill he is selling on here is a very fast and good worker she is well worth £10 jasper
  9. funny pics luke when the fert is yawning jasper.
  10. cheers kay iff you ever get the chance to come down to south wales (pencoed) you are definetly welcome.
  11. kay i am a part of jimmy constuction and on behalf of the team it is safe to say you are a ledgend
  12. All the best on finding it Theeving gits Jasper
  13. It's 9 munths away like I'll have new camo then I might have some 4 x mas
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