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ginger dave

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Everything posted by ginger dave

  2. Looks like a good set of old pals, nice to see.
  3. Bet you cant tell who is Ginger Dave?
  4. This was taken nearly thirty years ago when the local council pulled down an area known as the pig alleys in Middlesbrough, the end of an era as we would spend hours there ratting with our motley crew of terriers.
  5. My first gun aswell, tap loader with dual concentric springs, I thought it was the bees knees.
  6. Things Got Ya Down? Well Then, Consider These . . . In a hospital's Intensive Care Unit, patients always died in the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 am , regardless of their medical condition. This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had something to do with the supernatural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 am Sunday, so a worldwide team of experts was assembled to investigate the cause of the incidents. The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 am all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to se
  7. Does any of you guys know what charger I need for a 22 amp hr 12 volt battery. Will a ordinary car battery charger do the job or will it cook the battery, any info appreciated, regards DAVE.
  8. Witton park as a lad, but sadly Middlesbrough now.
  9. Probably Norfork spades at a guess.
  10. Where abouts are you, there is a couple here spare if you are near middlesbrough, DAVE
  12. Ebay mate, type in 250549250393, they cost a fiver, got one myself, not bad, DAVE
  13. But mine came to the door then vanished!
  14. My son bought me a new Barbour jacket for xmas, when it was delivered no one was in. A card was left saying it would be returned to the sorting office, you had to wait 4 hours till it arrived back there on the van. I could not get there that day so went first thing the next morning, not there, asked why not, try tomorrow, still not there,they do not know where it is, it might have gone back into the system, if it does not come in 15 working days, they have given me a claim form, how can a large parcel dissapear into thin air, bearing in mind the sorting office is a mile and a half from where I
  15. They will be under the sheds, we had the same problem on our site, soon found them when the snow fell, atb DAVE
  16. Cant fall off up there, its wick with rabbits, go and ask, the only solution
  17. Looks a very well made box mate, do you require well ventilated boxes to deal with the heat?
  18. Great dvd, but spent too much time on the drop box scenes, but apart from that a good watch, DAVE
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