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Everything posted by y444tes

  1. I have a Weihrauch HW 90 mate gas ram and it the best rifle i have had so far and it doesnt run out of gas like a pcp and it just works like a springer and there isn't alot recoil
  2. you could come with me if you wanted mate but i think am abit far off but there should be someone on here how would let you tag along and i hope you enjoy it and take it up
  3. Thanks for the help i'll look in to them i though it might be a bit out of my league
  4. Hi i work ferrets and go shooting and i have been interested in birds of prey for a bit know and i have the chance to get a goshawk i was just wondering if this would be a good bird to start with because it has already been work and i did'nt want to buy a bird and have to train it myself just in case it flew away any help would be greatful.
  5. nice set up there mate one of my friends has a storm real good rifle
  6. hope am that active when am his age and i thought it was funny when he was t hitting the rabbit with his hook and he say them bloody young one you hit them with the hook and get away thats one top man
  7. Crackers them mate might have a go my self
  8. My girlfriend keeps her ferrets in her room and they dont smell the house out and i keep mine in side when its winter but they dont smell if you clean there poo tray out every day
  9. I will get some pictures of my days out got a few last season should get a good few this time to rabbits that is
  10. Thanks for the comments Bert is a big one but Enoch and Powell are bigger just dont look it in the pictures and they are still growing there only 4 month old
  11. Hello new on here thought i might show you some pics off my ferrets there not the best you all that you carn't keep them still. Hope you like them JOYCE SANDY ENOCH POWELL JOYCE and SANDY JOYCE and BERT
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