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Everything posted by theinvisiblescarecrow

  1. Daystate C/F UNF silencer. Used & with a few tiny marks. Not sure how much to ask, cost a fortune when new. I'll try for £32.50 posted insured & see what happens. Bank transfer, cheque or P/O. Collection if local is fine. Offers considered, swops or a deal with a different UNF silencer considered. For a bit of info on Daystate silencers see here.
  2. Allthough you hear the gun go off the Crow doesn't move untill the bullit strike. Lucky Crow !!!
  3. SOLD.Good condition Sound Biter UNF silencer. Short, compact & light. £20 posted insured. Bank Transfer, cheque or P/O. If you havn't heard of them or seen one. Now sold.
  4. Just wondering about this. Wild birds get mobbed by corviids, just wondering if "tame" birds have the same problem. On my shoot there are Buzzards, Sparrow Hawks & the odd Owl, allways getting hassled by the local corvids. Seen it just out & about as well but never seen a Kestral mobbed (yet).
  5. Yes. I've got a few different nets now but mostly leave them at home. Too much bulk to carry. Much prefer to just melt into the undergrowth or bushes. Easier than messing about with nets.
  6. Turkeys are not a flying bird as such. Wild ones do roost though. I've a few different Turkey calls to locate Pheasants.
  7. I've seen spiners but not knock down. They would have to be well chunky to withstand the hits. Even from subs. I use wind fall apples. Got an apple tree in the garden & my shoot has many crab apple trees around it. You could always get an air use knock downs & tack weld some extra plates on the hit areas.
  8. Very good. The young rook always confuses.
  9. Now sold. Parker Hale silencer with UNF thread. Sold as an air rifle silencer as no proof marks are on it. It has been stripped & cleaned. Only had a couple of rounds through it since cleaning. Good working order but has a few marks on it from use. £25 posted. Cheque or bank transfer. Can be collected if you are local.
  10. You'r doing ok with your scope so why change. I only go to 10x on my rifles. Sub 12 & FAC as well as the rimmy. After spencing a fortune trying to find the perfect scope (x3) I've gone back to a fairly basic ones.
  11. Quite happily use 5's. More so if I expect crows to turn up. 6 or 7's in general.
  12. Does it have to be a webley ? Quite a few other makes to consider. I've had quite a few Webley & Norica B/A's. The Norica was a 3 shot. I've also had a sxs & there's some o/u's about. Nostalgia ? Webley.
  13. Just don't get cheap chinese ones. Any good make from 40 to 50mm & between 6 to 12 mag is a fair ave'. Depends on your intended market. Beginers buy cheap scopes that sound good. Experianced guys allready have good scopes & climbing the quality ladder. When a newbie askes what scope to get the answer will be avoid cheap scopes.
  14. Went Mackeral fishing last week. Feather rig hooks are way too large. I even think the're too big for Mackeral. I used a small Dexter at the end & the Dexter hook was much smaller. You can easily knock up a rig with more correct size hooks for trout.
  15. I've got a nutty untrained "family pet" Springer. Sort of self trained now & loves it when I go for a walk with the gun. Loves going ferreting as well. Take your dog for a walk, take a few shots & miss, just see what the dog does at gunfire. If you have rabbits be aware of dog position at all times. Mine is not steady at heel but at least I know where he is by the way the undergrowth is moveing. If I don't know I assume no ground game shooting.
  16. I can just imadgine how many are thinking where is this guy, I'd have the rabbits off him. Dog, ferret, even cat food. Bait for Fox or corvids. Food for humans. I can think of a very long list of uses. I can think of only one word for throw away. Ok other creatures might eat them but my word is waste. If your local I'll pick them up. My mate has ferrets, there's a local Falconry center & i have a dog & 3 cats. Sods law says your too far away. Offer them in the sale section for free to anyone who'll collect. As you'r a member of this forum, do you hunt, fish or shoot as well
  17. Thanks for the welcome lads. Off now to find my way around. And join in.
  18. Agree, cart's are cart's. Not all are equal though. Worth gettiing a large sheet of paper (wallpaper ?) & doing a quick pattern test if misses are happening for no apparent reason. I use budget VFM ones & steer clear of budget end of line clearout when there gone there gone bargains. f your trying loads of different types to solve a problem then that proves the fault is not with the cart's.
  19. 113yd magpie. Hit the branch perfect, .22 eley subs. I knew the distance, just forgot to raise the aim two dots. First kill with the HMR was 120/130 yds on sticks, long grass so couldn't use the bipod. A foxer passed his sticks, wobbling all over the place I aimed for the chest. Noticing a fast wobble followed by a slow wobble repeating so I just timed the shot. No sign of entry or exit with 17gn Hornady, used for Fox bait later. 70yd crow with a shotty, flapping passed me after I'd bored myself for hours waiting for pigeon. What the hell I'm bored. Bang. One pellet in the head, ston
  20. 12g as that's all I have now. My ferreting mates have the dogs on the main side of the hedge, I'm on the other side with my back to them covering the bolt holes.
  21. I've had Pigeon flying along side me while rideing my bike at about 45mph & they look like their cruising. Christ knows the speed in wind. Quite possibly they are high up & going not that fast but you've miss judged range or speed, both are hard to judge, bird flaps into view, brain goes into auto pilot, point & pull trigger. I normally just shoot over a decoy or two or under a sitty tree. so know the Pigeon will be slow. If bored & walk the hedgerow the flappers out of the bushes arn't much of a problem. I find the worst for me is those I see in the distance, watch &
  22. Just a quick hello to all. I do a bit of everything so most sections are of interest. Might take a while to settle in & get used to the place. Won't take too long though. Loads to read. Bye for now & see you amongst the topics soon.
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