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Everything posted by theinvisiblescarecrow

  1. V12, no silencer http://www.youtube.com/user/gunvidder#p/a/u/0/1x8f0z-HfRI
  2. Look at these pellets, lovely. I like them. Bullit shape & such an interesting head design. Norica Killers, grabs your attention on the shelves. The tin needs more bling but otherwise great so far. Whenever any one asks what pellet for hunting the replies mostly say whatever is most accurate so I'll start with that. They might be accurate in your rifle. Not in mine though so I'll quickly skip to the penetration bit. Well the good news is, if you hit something It won't over penetrate unless you are hunting close in & shooting very small vermin. That has to be a good thing so I
  3. Interesting responce's. Thanks I'm sure any newbie & even the more experianced will learn something. Myself included & that's what it's all about. Remarks & info from experiance, throw them into a hat & go from there. Much more knowledge to be gained than advertisers hype.
  4. Happens a lot. Just put the shotty details down as normal & leave previous owners details blank. Pick the gun up from the house yourself. Send in a letter explaining & giveing the name & address of the deceased. if you pick it up from the house no one else was in possesion. The last owner is dead, if a naughty person they can't prsicute. It will be your property as long as the gun isn't stolen. If the gun isn't registered, (bought with the old style SGC's) then still no problem. In your house, on ticket legaly held. The only problem explaining how you got it would be if a
  5. In your garden ? Patio doors open a little, bait at the same time every day & leave them alone, a week later blamo. If It's a lone one pick up & leave the the bait, bait another few days. If some mates cause a comotion try & pick them off. Days between shooting builds confidence of free, hassle free grub.
  6. I've not had a crow come down to a Pigeon decoy set up but have seen them on occasions fairly close by. I allways add a crow decoy or two to the pattern. Normally on the outer fringe to act as a distance marker & confidance booster.
  7. If your's is the newer spin off front It's easy, just remove front cap & slide the outer tube away from the baffles. Clean with method of choich. If the older grub screw version, I've had single & triple screw ones, the method can be quite awkward If it's gummed up. Undo the grub screw/s, place a small bit of wood or hard plastic on the floor. Whack the muzzle end on the block, If the outer tube doesn't slide off spray with WD40 or slippery stuff of choice, let it soak in & maybe apply several times over a period of time. A good whack with a firm grip on the outer tube should
  8. I'm not into C/F yet but considering one for renewal time. A friend has a 222 & It seems quite good but after reading every post I can find about C/F's I'm pretty sure I'll go for the 223.
  9. The RWS brand name is well known. There pellets are tried & trusted worldwide. For years I've used the RWS SuperHollowPoint pellets with much success in a variety of different rifles In both .177 & .22 Finding it not so in my latest rifle doesn't make it suddenly a bad pellet, I'm keeping the part tin for the next rifle I get. Of course I never intend to change rifles but you never know. Being bored & being curious I decided to test & try out the expanding side of things. If your a hunter thoughts turn to hollow point pellets for max knock down power but do they work, ar
  10. Many regard a bore sighter as a waste of time & money, don't need one wont use one. My opinion untill recently when I realised over the years a bore sighter would have saved me alot of grief. Off set mounts, poorly or non existant scope adjustment faults would of shown up instantly with a bore sighter. To zero a scope all you have to do is select the correct rod to fit your bore, fit to the barrel, look throught your scope, set you cross hair to the grid in the bore sigher & the rough zero is done. I found I need to set high when a check is done when you finnish the zero on paper.
  11. Mine isn't ammo fussy but deffo doesn't like Remmie or Magtech subs. I tend to get Eley but have used Winnies & mast of the others with success. RWS are a little slower than most other subs.
  12. I've got the small 6500 version on my 22lr, I like it. A friend has the bigger ones on a R7 FAC & Annie HMR, they look just as nice. For my HMR though I use a WTC.
  13. The JSR scope is a badged US Leapers, same as the AGS versions if you find any. I've got the 8-32x56 version. Glass is good for the price. I've got EB, Simmons & Bushnell scopes as well & have sold on many others inc' Falcon & MTC. My advice is buy a better scope s/hand in hardly used condition unless you do want new. Many bargains can be found with quality scopes & the cheaper VFM budget ones. Scopes are individual to the owner, what one person likes & rates highly is termed as terrible for another, that's why quite a few scopes are sold hardly used, nowt wrong just
  14. A bore sighter falls into one of two camps. Usefull tool or waste of money. Quick to set up, easy to use, to get a rough zero you don't have to take a shot. You do need to finnish of on paper & when done if you note the postion you have a reference if the scope is disturbed. For years I didn't need or want one, now I have I realise it would of saved me so much grief checking mounts & scope adjustment capability as well as the more obvious zeroing. Well made, easy to use. Just fit the bore sigher, look through your scope, you see a grid, adjust your scope so the cross hair lines u
  15. I've got two. One for the 22lr & one for the HMR. They both fit but if you leave the HMR in then the clps slightly stretch & become loose for the 22lr. I allways empty mine after use so stretching might not be an issue. I found this out from a friend who stored his in the ammo safe & topped up as he used it. His 22lr wasn't used much & when he did take it out & swopped ammo he was a little miffed. If stretched they may return to normal shape after time if left empty ? no idea. Very pleased with mine.
  16. Good coments, thanks. The pellets were fired at different "materials" at different ranges to show what happens to the pellet. Each shooter has a different opinion as to what is best, accuracy is king, whackdown power, expansion etc. The idea for me was to show what these pellets deform like, or don't. Allso more perhaps for those that havn't a clue, newbie to shooting etc. Any comment is most welcome even if it rubbishes what is said or shown. It's all more info & everyone can benifit from that. In the not to distant future you can compare results to so called expanding pellets plus
  17. RWS SuperMag, are they the ultimate Ratting pellet. Heavier than most paper punchers, well made & if accurate through your rifle should do the job nicely. They also deform to give a wider wound chanel, better than some so called hollow point expanding pellets. That has got to be a bonus for 177 users. http://www.youtube.com/user/gunvidder#p/u/3/nEkpXebYUHw CHRONY TEST, compareing with the Hobby & Geco. http://www.youtube.com/user/gunvidder#p/u/12/cdcrlie9a-Y PENETRATION TEST, first of 18. http://www.youtube.com/user/gunvidder#p/u/40/5HI9LW9IgT0
  18. Yes mate it was, not a problem at all, my HMR prefers Remmies. You did read my views on HMR headshots before you posted this ? well if that was not a problem ,then why kick off? this shot was also an eye shot! oh! and by the way this is the air gun section so get out of your armchair and go and do some shooting,and stop trying to preach to us because you clearly cant tell the difference!! do you actually shoot at all? or just bitch at other peeps donig it Just proved the miss quote theory, I very clearly stated why I kicked off. Do I shoot ? Doors allways ope
  19. Nice shooting, a seriously good tool the HMR, they don't get up & do a runner. Been the lamp man for one guy who had a 185yd (paced so could be out a bit) shot. Personally my own best head shot was 115yds & my first "live" shot off sticks !!!! Much prefer the bipod, damm this long grass season. Still love & mostly use my 22lr but the HMR makes it look so tame campared.
  20. I noticed you'r useing 177, what pellet ? Trying out some different ones myself to find the best, any sugestions ?
  21. Yes mate it was, not a problem at all, my HMR prefers Remmies. You did read my views on HMR headshots before you posted this ?
  22. Suddenly gone quiet. Must of seen the link in here then. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=155824 Enemies lurk everywhere don't they. And who reads papers that contain miss quotes, people that don't like us haveing guns. Where do miss quotes come from ? Who wants bans, people who don't like us haveing guns. Where does the fuel for bans come from, from miss quotes adding to facts made from miss quotes. As I said. Suddenly gone quiet.
  23. Just found this. http://psa.bizhosting.com/whats_new.html
  24. Relax & go with the flow. You'r not expected to know everything & don't be afraid to ask questions. You can increased or decrease what you have put on the form, it was only an application, sometimes they even give good alternative suggestions. Sometimes they can even suggest an extra you hadn't asked for. Sometime though they can be blunt, you'r not haveing that. (I asked for B/A for vermin & S/A for range use) Urm generally means yes but convince me. No means don't push your luck. Yes means grin like a Cheshire cat when he's out the door. I got B/A but not S/A, the B/A wa
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