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Everything posted by luckyplum

  1. hi folks, when i bought my air arms s500 extra fac i was advised to use nothing less than a 16 grain pellet. at present i use baracuda hunter extreme which seems to work quite well (19.09 gr) but i have learnt that both the gun and myself perform best when the gun is set at 3/4 power, so do i still need the same weight pellet ? cheers plum !
  2. wise words ! this is why i,m on this site, peoples opinions, cheers plum!
  3. bosun11 i think your right mate, people who know me well have asked when i,m going to get another dog to replace my old girl (flo). i feel that at the moment i,m really enjoying only having the one dog so that we can both enjoy our ferreting/beating together. its been said on here many times that its all about how much time you put into your dog and i,m seeing the results of that now, cheers plum!
  4. like i say deerdogs its a funny old game ! i nearly fell over when she dropped the bird at my feet , i don,t know how clever she might be cheers plum !
  5. i,v been beating today with the beddy/whippet who,s 6 years old, up until this year she,s only ever been worked with her mother (pts aged 13). since being worked on her own she is a different dog, i don,t know how many hours i,v spent in the garden trying to get her retrieving with no joy but today she picked up and retreived a hen pheasent and dropped it at my feet ! on the last drive of the day we were told to look out for a runner, getting towards the end she stood over a pile of leaves with her tail going like billyo ! my nephew stepped forward and reached down into the leaves and pulled
  6. hey lookup this jakes uncle, just to say that my pup off your dog charlie is earning her keep on our beating line once a fortnight and since loosing her mother this year shes been worked on her own and has started marking the rabbit holes at last ! so not quite an allrounder by she,ll do for me, cheers plum!
  7. just like to say thanks to landmark ferret films you,v been very kind and the dvds are great ! cheers plum!
  8. they really look a great bunch of dogs ! i,m quite jealous, untill this year i kept mother and daughter (beddy/whippets) but sadly lost the mother aged 13 so run only one dog at present, i havein the past run 2 russels and a whippet x so i know the fun that can be had with a small pack ! i hope you enjoy your sunday mornings, cheers plum!
  9. i,v never had a collie cross but have read all of this thread with interest as i think this cross could would probably do most things i,d like from a lurcher, ie hunt up, mark,retreive, catch etc. this add. was in our local paper this evening, border x bearded collie x greyhound x whippet pups,male £100,female £150,cheers plum !
  10. just been on landmark ferret films and ordered both dvds, thanks again plum !
  11. thanks for the replys lads i,ll try both, cheers plum !
  12. hi people i,v recently bought a copy of phi lloyds coney catcher 3 video (ebay ), i really don,t know why i,v left so long to buy a copy and of course i really enjoyed the laid back way phil comes across ! i know i,m miles behind but would like to watch the first two videos, coney catcher 1 and 2, any cluesas to where i might find them , i,v tried ebay with no joy , cheers plum !
  13. cheers martin i,ll be more carefull , i managed a walk round the field that had been cut and saw very few birds about and i,v been told since that it,s been ploughed over already, cheers plum !
  14. yes folks i,v got it again!i suffer with rabbit fever for most of the year but around this time most years i come downwith pigeon fever , you know how it is you seem to spend all your time looking for birds on the stubble if not your reading about other people shooting them.well today i was rained off so as i drove home i was thinking about acertain feild of barley that was cut at the weekend, i noticed lots of crows and a few pigeons going down onto some stubble.of course i had a look and before i new it both my van and trailer were up on the grass verge,no damage done but it shook me up a l
  15. see know you,v gone and up set me again ideation ! that was a great write up and i was right there with you both and the dogs! i,vover the years had little packs of dogs, only two or three but had great fun with them (i,m racking my brains trying to think of a memerable day like yours but we,ll come back to that ) anyway not many weeks ago i had to have my thirteen year old beddy/whippet pts leaving me with only her five year old daughter. in the short time she,s been on her own she has become a different dog, more confident and perhaps a better worker, so i was determined to work her alone fo
  16. hi all i,v had a air rifle on a fac for about a year and a half (my first fac ), and today i phoned my firearms officer to ask about an open ticket, he said not untill i,d had my closed tiket for three years !
  17. brenner all i,ll say is thank some people for their advice, ignore others, and then do what ever you feel is right,simpes ! god bless ! cheers plum !
  18. great write-up acuspell and very interesting, everydays a school day as they say ! love the look of your dogs by the way and totally agree about being patient with them, i keep mother and daughter (beddy/whippet ), the pup is 5 years old and is now coming good both ferreting and in the beating line, cheers plum!
  19. i,v been to the doctors conplaining of stomach pains he said to watch what i eat so i,v booked tickets for the grand national ! cheers plum !
  20. by the way the pictures wernt meant to be that small, i,ll get my daughter to sort it !
  21. me and me nephew tried our luck in the snow today, what a great morning to be out and about ! no great numbers but we all had a bit of fun, i was most pleased with the one young jill that i bred and kept back for myself . today the penny dropped and she worked really well !
  22. well done mate ! great looking dog , hows he bred ? cheers plum !
  23. new to the fac world but so far i,v tried bisley mag. & aa feild through my 32ftlbs air arms, my rifle seems to like both but early days ! cheers plum !
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