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jusar whippets

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Everything posted by jusar whippets

  1. I'm selling my immaculate Mossberg 935 Magnum semi auto in mossy oak camo It's less than 3 months old and has only had 50 carts through it. 28" barrel, quick unload facilty, multichoked, sling and gunslip included. This gun is only for sale as i am not doing pigeon anymore and my mate is selling his posh Beretta O/U and i need to raise the cash for it. I want £600 for the above inc sling and slip. PM for details SGC holder only, RFD at your cost
  2. My old grandad who used to be out at all times during the war and later on where he shouldn't have been, always said to me, if you want to dig to your ferrets, then go ferreting when the moon is on it's last quarter of it's cycle. Works for me, only 1 dig this year and all bolted apart from this one.
  3. Hmm, i'm local to you and the Kiddie chap and i get em, your not looking hard enough fella
  4. Where's your dog then dickhead? Yeah i let him rag it for a few hours so what??, and the toys in the garden are old ones i was chuicking out ready to burn as my kids are old enough not to have them anymore, would you like me to send them to you so you have something else instead of your little dick to play with?? Let me bring my dogs to your permission (if you have any in your bedroom) and' i'll show you em working (all 7 of em) Twat!
  5. I find "Yes Dear" usually works My ex hated what i did, hence the Ex bit. My new wife is cool about it and comes shooting with me and even has a DVD now on how to make nets etc... She does her own thing and i do mine, but we both like to go out together at night. Sometimes when the going has been crap, even had a bit of poontang in a field
  6. Here's mine with his first rabbit that he caught from the nets and wouldn't let go of for hours.
  7. Cheers for that, i'm starting to make sense of it now
  8. Cheers for that, but what's what with regards to what i need?
  9. Hi folks I have been shooting for many years with various guns, now i'm just about to put in for my FAC. My main quarry will be rabbit & fox, but i am confused as to what's what etc... I know i will only get a rimfire on the first ticket (is this the case)? I am so confused over what's what, ie .22, 17hmr etc... Can someone explain what is what, and what i would need as a starting point for long range rabbit & fox, and maybe the odd muntjac (if this is allowed) Sorry if this has been asked before, it's just a minefield out there Many thanks
  10. Cheers lads I'll try what you have said and see how she goes. I belive that i need to work all of my ferts, otherwise theyt are getting fed for nothing and i don't want pets, i want hunting companions, so if after the next 4 or so outings and she's the same then she will have to go. I can't have any aggressive animals around my family or when hunting.
  11. Get a Sirrius Thor from Deben, ace piece of kit for the quick shine and the smaller fields. Has a two position switch, one for full beam and another for just the outer LED's so you can see when going over gates/fences etc.. Plus' its rechargeable, i use mine most nites now along with the SL170 for the larger fields. http://www.deben.com/lights_lamping/cyclops_led_rechargeable.php
  12. Err, very confused here chaps, i have a 6month old Jill, she's handled everyday and when at home in the court she doesn't bite at all and plays and i can hold her for ages, the problem is when i take her out working, she's fine for the first few holes, and then she turns into a right nightmare by biting and hissing at me when i go to pick her up out of a hole. She has drawn blood on me now on the last three times whe have been out. I can get her out of the ferret box and she's fine, it's just that she turns very very nasty after a few holes. Even to the point where i have to pick her up by
  13. As has been said, Adrian Flux, my Frontera is £153 TPFT, (i just use it for hunting so i don't care about fully comp)
  14. If you can't afford a decent Fourtrak, get yourself a Vauxhall Frontera 2.8TDI , cheap as feck if you just want a battle bus
  15. Mossberg 935 magnum will take a 3.5 cart and come in various barrel lengths aswell. Also comes with a sling and in camo or black synthetic. I paid £580 for my cammo one, but you can get the black synthetic for around £400. The most important thing is to see what fits you best really
  16. I don't bother gutting, if the ferret was wild then it would do what it needs to do and nobody would be around to gut it for them, so i just chuck the whole thing in and i usually have just a skeleton left in a day or two
  17. West Mercia - Good service, a bit slow (3 months from start to finish for SGC) but i expected that as had been told by others in the area about delays etc.. FEO for my area is a real nice bloke, also into dogs etc... and we had a good chat about loads of stuff. All in all quite courteous and nice to deal with.
  18. Thanks chaps, i've just bought a really nice Lincoln 28" OU & a brand new Webley 410 (awesome little gun), but i am also looking at a Benelli SuperNova semi and a Mossberg 935, so should make my choice on the semi in the next few days
  19. Many thanks for all of your comments, i did say he was purebred, but i didn't say he was KC reg. I have the 5 generation pedigree for him aswell, so please allow a bit of slack here. His dam is Jessjohn on to a winner and his sire is Demijeane delightful among myndoc and he has Milwwod Gold (CH) as his sire grandfather Pics now attached One pic shows the first night he ever went on the lamp ( mainly watching and marking holes) and the other shows his physique. This is a serious dog, (even though some dissagree), with the right training he will be awesome, as he is like lightnin
  20. Really?? And what would you know? Are you a breeder of whipps then? I can assure you he is 100% purebred. Thankyou He may not be mate but i am, and i have serious doubts into the intregrity of the breeding of certain strains of KC registered whippets. NO pedigree whippet should be 23". Thats the reason why i no longer consider certain lines when picking a stud dog. Obviously i don't know the breeding of your dog as the information you have given into the dogs breeding is very vague. I like my whippets to be around the 20" mark and 30lb and most of all i like them to look like a whi
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